Study: The 5 Psychological Differences Between People That Maintain Weight Loss & Good Health… And Those That Don’t
Having great health, and losing weight, is more about psychology, behaviors, and habits than 356 diet tips.
I’ve shown this repeatedly with many of my students, case studies, and dozens of other in-depth reports.
But WHAT specifically are these people doing differently, from a psychological point of view? In other words, what are the differences in their habits – rather than “eating breakfast” and other silly tips and tricks like that?
A study I read recently decided to investigate just that.
They took three groups of women: The first was a group of women that were formerly obese that regained their weight; one group of women that were formerly obese that maintained their weight loss; and one group of women that were never overweight who had maintained their weight.
These researchers wanted to know one simple thing:
What behavioral differences accounted for the success of “maintainers,” and what behavioral differences accounted for the failure of the “relapsers” ?
I share their interesting findings in the video below:
Note: Some people have notified me that the video is freezing from :51 to 1:12 – there’s still audio though so you can listen. Just skip that part and watch the rest, while I upload a fresh copy.
Which Aspect Do You Need to Work on Most?
Try the napkin technique out that I mentioned: which aspect of your life do you think you need to work on the most?
The social aspects? (Home life, work life, or leisure life?)
The emotional aspects? (Are you an emotional eater? If so, make sure to sign up for the mini course below)
The behavioral aspects?
Tell me which one you are below.
Free Cravings/Emotional Eating Mini Course (Sign Up Below)
First, I’m going to show you some science behind why I think laziness is a myth. And it’s often NOT that you’re lazy – you’re just trying to apply a failing strategy to emotional eating and cravings, so that you can lose weight.
Cravings functional almost identical to a drug addiction. And trying to use willpower to stop emotional eating is trying to tell a cocaine addict to “just stop doing drugs!”
So this is going to be carefully tailored for those of you that want to lose weight – that KNOW that emotional eating or nasty cravings are holding you back.
I’m also going to be re-opening my program on cravings for a few days only, so you should be on the email list so you don’t miss it. You won’t receive the free training or notification when the program opens unless you’re on this list.
We’re going to dive DEEP into the “willpower” myth – why willpower usually fails us, why science PROVES that it’s a crap strategy for long-term weight loss for emotional eaters, and what you should be doing instead.
I’m going to hand you an actual formula – what I call the Food Control Formula – which helps you discover your own personal triggers/cues/sequences that set off your cravings, and then the step by step process to stop it.
Remember, address the origin, not the symptoms. This is to address the root of your weight issues – something that no diet will fix.
Just enter your email below and you’ll get the free training series, starting tomorrow.
The study mentioned: Maintenance and Relapse After Weight Loss in Women: Behavioral Aspects.
Great info! Can you link to the specific study? I’m curious to learn more about confronting your problems. Thanks!
Hi Sarah,
It’s at the bottom of the article 🙂
Hi Alex
I need help with behavior and emotional, I start perfect for three or even a month and when I finally start losing weight I relax and start self sabotaging and have to start all over again.
Hello, Alex – I liked this video best so far. Really resonated with me – thank you. I think I have something in each column, but they tend to swirl around the same issue: overworked single Mom. And I just gave up on exercise a few years ago and then tried some pretty tough bootcamp-type programs/gyms and got hurt. This really helped me put some things in proper context. Thanks!
Hey Pamela,
Totally hear you – It’s not easy, there is no doubt about it. Did you get a chance to listen to the interview with Lauryn in Dream Body? Maybe hearing from another single mother that did it will give you some ideas.
“tried some pretty tough bootcamp-type programs/gyms and got hurt. This really helped me put some things in proper context. Thanks!”
This can be tough. I hear this a lot from people that do P90x – they’re looking to get fit quickly, but they end up hurting their knees or back or shoulders. You have to reaaaaaally ease into these workout plans.
I know this has nothing to do with what you wrote, but you look like Roman Reigns a little.