How to Get The Body, Health, and Life You Want – Without Willpower, Discipline or Fads.
Afew years ago, I became curious. What really separated the top 1% of the weight loss success stories from most of us? You know, the people in the books, on TV, or the rare individual you hear about.
What are they actually doing that we may not be doing?
And why is it, or how is it possible that we have hundreds of new diet and health books each year, yet most of us reach that point at sometime or another in our life where we look in the mirror and go, “Whoa, that’s me? How did I even get here?”
How is it that we aren’t any closer to where we want to be?
And often, our health and body not being the way it is is just a reflection of our overall life: “What happened?”
Well, I became curious.
What sets apart the 1% that really have the great lives – I’m not talking about these mega rich bankers, I’m talking about ordinary people.
The ones who seem to have it all together. The great health, who look incredible for decades without much variation, who have great levels of happiness, fulfillment, personal relationships and yes finances.
How are they different? But specifically, how are the healthiest 1% different from us? My search led me to a great discovery…
The Discovery When It All Changed…
So I decided to put on my researcher’s hat.
I sought out, studied, interviewed, and tirelessly analyzed over 20+ people that lost over 100 pounds, and kept it off years later.
I spent months and dozens of hours on the phone with them – and many more listening to their interviews over and over.
And there were requirements for who I studied.
No diet fads.
No calorie counting.
No extreme exercise.
And they must have kept it off for at least a year.
I spoke with single mothers (like Lauryn, on the right there), young men, older women, super time-starved entrepreneurs and professionals, lifelong overweight people and more.
And I found two things, and only two things, surrounding all the success stories that set them apart.
These two things I later went on to write a book about, and here’s what they were:
#1. Health is primarily a psychological battle (What I call The Narrative).
#2. An overall emphasis on habits rather than tactics, pills, diets, gurus, and strategies. Emphasizing underlying behavioral, psychological change.
That’s when I realized the profoundly simple truth of success: for looking and feeling incredible, we only need to focus on these two things. And these two habits not only produce dramatic changes in our health, but also our lives.
I later learned that the same habits that help us become more successful at weight loss also dramatically boost the success of a person’s actual life.
When I looked around, I realized not too many people were talking about this. They were too busy telling you “what” to do, but never how to do it.
It was always the same old “eat less, move more” blah blah blah garbage, useless advice.
And that’s how Modern Health Monk was born.
To get started, I’ve put together a free 7-day journaling challenge to help you get your life together, feel unstuck, and start building the future you actually want. Each day, you’ll get a simple yet powerful journaling prompt designed to bring clarity, motivation, and momentum.
To get access to the insider’s list, just enter your email below – you’ll get instant access to my guide and starter course:
I don’t need to go on diet I just need to loose some weight just given up smoking
Healthy weight loss is a great thing – BUT I am in need of the opposite! I am 6′ and currently weigh 139. I am male and 67 years old.
I’d like to ADD 15- 20 pounds… but 99.9% of the offers out there are for those who need to LOSE pounds…
We eat very well, better than almost any I have met so far, high in vegetables, nuts, seeds, bone broth always on the back burner, mostly organic & home grown choices…
I work out 5 days a week with light weights (physically unable to use much more than 15 – 20 lbs. Wrist joints are gone) and lots of resistance work.
If you’ve got any advice that may help in my case…
Hey I just saw one of your youtube videos on Manifesting! I am an acupuncturist, healer, yoga teacher, etc. Anyway, I was wondering which school you are at? I saw your copy of Nourishing Destiny on your bookshelf. I love that book and studied it while at school as well 🙂 If we are living near each other I would love to meet you!
It took me about 8 years; I believed my earth suit, my mind and my spirit got into unity, from my thoughts, and I’m in my mid 50’s and feel and look 35-ish … I’m so happy!
I bought your book at Amazon. I need 2 help my son, 27, loose 40 lbs. I am scared 4 his health! I want 2 send U the receipt as U requested.
My son, 27, works 10 hr days most of the year. After his Father, my husband, passed away 5 yrs ago he has went from “jock” to 5’9″ 230 lb. I am very worried. I’m moving in with her & his fiance. I am worried.
Alex, I sat down and read your book “Master The Day” in one evening and I just wanted to say thank you. Ive been reading self development books for a while now but this one has to be one of the best. Many self development books, while I love th overall messages in them, they are filled with a lot of voodoo garbage. This one reminded me a lot of Psychocybernetics and I must say it “lit a fire in my belly” again. Ive never had an issue with weight as Ive always loved exercising and health has always been a natural priority for me, but your book showed me that I can make progress in all aspects of my life by approaching them with the same mind set of “just showing up” and focusing on the little habits that compound on each other. I love your channel and I look forward seeing and buying more of your content. You’ve sincerely added value to my life and I thank you for your efforts. Best of luck, man!
Hey Myles,
Love it! Awesome hearing this from you. Let me know how it works out for you over the next few months… I love hearing back from people after they’ve read the book and what they ended up implementing.
I just reviewed your youtube on fear and you are correct I have ruined my vacations and others because of my anxiety filled fear of flying I do it but it is not pleasant for me or others around me it is really shameful as I use to love to fly. I am going to Israel next year and really need to get a handle on this without my usual handful of Xanax. Your thoughts and suggestions are really appreciated.
are you a life coach also?
Hey, Alex!
Have to say I love your energy! Very inspirational. 🙂
Even though you seem to specialize in weight problems I’m curious to know how you keep your balance between work and social/family time.
I used to live a very fast paced life..going to two schools at once (and graduating) while working part time. Back then my bf who seemed like the best choice ever, was also mainly invested in his studies and development. Everything seemed perfect since both of us had the same values and were trying to be the best versions of ourselves.
However..less time for home that made us grow apart from each other (obviously). I remember somewhere in the middle of this process I asked this question from both of us: Is this what we are striving for? I mean…truly being with somebody (like possibly one day your spouse) while also being highly invested in your career and hobbies…how do people do this? Is this really supposed to be enough? You can’t invest in everything the right amount? Or can you?
I’m around the same age as you so I do have my own bit of experience in life. What I feel is constant hunger for more…doesn’t matter if in careerwise, self-development, friends or love. Doesn’t seem like balance in everyday life is possible but rather the goal forever. Or what do you think?
Anyways..keep up the good work. You are an inspiration.
PS. Next book to read will be yours I promise. 🙂
I’d like to know what qualifications you have to be giving this advice as there are dangers involved in incorrect massage and exercise techniques. Just learning from other people for whom a technique works does not make it right or safe… It’s just a glorified Old Wive’s Tale…
I just have to contact you and say this.
As I’m reading towards the end of your book, I got so excited and I had to roll out of bed at almost 2 in the morning to tell you how much I appreciate your wise words.
Your book works extraodinarily well for me because I suppose we are the same type of person, perfectionists.
For all my life, I have been feeling so much pressure, guilt and resentment for failing goals, reaching goals, failing goals and … nonstop!
After implementing your method for few days, tonight is actually the first night I came to bed with no shame nor pressure on my mind at all. This guilt-free state of mind really got me all emotional and I think I finally came across that one life lesson that could turn my life around.
I’ll definitely stick to your advices in the book and see how it works out in the future. Only this time, I’m not stressed to be awesome or perfect. I’m just gonna enjoy my everyday progress completely guilt-free.
Thank you 🙂
This is amazing Chi! Happy to hear this for you 🙂
How can i able to get mentoring from you 😥
Hi, Alex. I’m new to your site, and just bought some of your discipline and weight books (two on Kindle, which I generally canNOT stand, but it’s a new “easy” discipline). I don’t have severe weight problem, but DO have health and discipline issues. Ironic that my FAV person in history is Ben Franklin, due to his discipline habits. Am reading now, but just wanted to let you know I’ll be commenting periodically. It’s one of the “disciplines” I want to work on.
Thank you Linda 🙂 I’m happy it’s helped you.
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