Why do we self-sabotage? Why do we do things that we know are not aligned with our long-term goals…and do them anyway? After working with many, many coaching clients, one consistent […]
It’s a bit crazy – 40% of doctors are overweight, and you know what’s even crazier? A recent study highlighted in Time magazine found that overweight doctors are less likely to talk […]
I was trying to successfully do something that I had never been successful before in over ten years of trying: Meditate every day for an entire month. Yep. That’s it. […]
IMPORTANT 10/1 Update: Before you check out today’s article, would you like me to personally help you lose 20, 30 or 50 pounds, in the next 90 days? I’m opening […]
Just the other day I was overhearing a conversation between two people in a busy coffee shop. “These past few years have been really really tough for me, nothing has […]