It always struck me as strange. In the health space, we always punish ourselves assuming that we’ll be MORE motivated to do the workout, or eat the healthy food, or […]
We often chalk up failure to be because we got too busy or “the diet was too restrictive” or we were too stressed out. But really, when we “fail” (and we […]
One of the toughest parts about actually conquering the day to day challenges of getting healthier is actually avoiding the minefield of social interaction. We can be sitting at the […]
I answer hundreds of emails that are virtually the same exact burning question. “Alex, how can I lose 20-30 pounds, boost my energy, sleep better, improve my health, and fast?” […]
Would you believe me if I told you that how you THINK about yourself and your health, reflects the state of your current health? In other words, if you think […]
Do you know EXACTLY what you should be doing to lose weight, get healthy, or fix back pain, but you just aren’t doing it? I’ve surveyed thousands and thousands of […]
The main reason why 99% of our attempts to fix our health fail is this: Habits, motivation, and willpower. Right? Here’s the thing: you know that changing your health is […]
Two Daily Health Habits Shared by the World’s Millionaires There are two incredible health habits shared by many of the world’s most successful millionaires and billionaires. Some of them are […]