Four Common Reasons You’re Failing to Reach Your Health & Weight Loss Goals
Early this week, I introduced you to real success principles behind the people who successfully flip their health 180, and lose weight for good.
I busted some myths about getting your Dream Body this year.
And I showed you that the case studies I interviewed – DOZENS of people that lost 100+ pounds, naturally, without calorie counting, eating real, natural, healthy foods and kept it off – focused more on systems, habits, psychology, and behavioral change.
Rather than using massive willpower, discipline, and effort, they came up with more holistic, integrated ways to lose weight, and keep it off.
Just a quick reminder: Dream Body, my course that teaches you these six key principles found in dozens of case studies, opens in a few weeks. Make sure you join the wait list here to be notified first.
Is This What’s Holding You Back?
Over the past few months, I have been speaking with many of you in person, over the phone, in emails, and via surveys, and I get the same curious responses.
So many people know exactly what to do… but just aren’t doing it.
What’s frustrating is that for many, there is no diet on earth that could ‘save’ you.
Because every diet is more “what” – and none of them give you more “how” – how to actually DO it.
So I decided to dig further. What is the real, underlying cause of this?
And I received responses like this:
It’s lack of motivation. I hate exercise and I’m pretty much lazy so anything that involves effort to overcome the inertia is hard.
– Kelly, J.
Lack of motivation, complacency, fear of failure, anxiety, laziness, and probably more. It makes me feel sad knowing these things about myself, but hopeful because a change will come!
– Mark, Q.
Nothing is stopping me, but to maintain my enthusiasm seems to get harder the closer I get to my goal. My husband keeps junk food in the house which doesn’t bother me when I’m in the zone. But sometimes lately I’ve been tempted and then feel bad when I give in and eat it.
– Cindy, A.
It’s hard to tell if I feel bad from lack of physical health or my depression which leads to not being able to stick with the healthy habits that may also have a positive on my depression. I feel stuck in a cycle of bad feelings. The physical unwellness feeds the mental unwellness which makes it extremely difficult to take positive steps toward fixing the physical aspects
– Carlos, R.
I feel like I don’t have motivation because I’ve tried and failed so many times. I also don’t know how to really change my bad habits.
– Alex, T.
So, assuming you already know “what” you should really be doing and eating, look at the overwhelming majority of responses – things holding you back:
- Lack of motivation
- Lack of willpower
- “Laziness”
- Lack of self discipline
But what’s funny is that in the majority of the success studies I interviewed, they rarely mentioned these things.
And that’s because…. yup, you guessed it… systems and habits took their place.
Four Things Holding You Back
There are things I hear over and over from many of you, but what I found super interesting was that when I interviewed many of the 100+ pound weight loss success stories… they rarely mentioned these things.
Surprisingly, unless I asked them, motivation, self control, discipline and “effort” rarely came up in the interviews.
… but 75% of you tell me these are the main reasons you haven’t succeeded:
Barrier/Myth #1: “I’m lazy and undisciplined, so I’ll never succeed.”
Assumption: “This is going to take a lot of work, grueling hours in the gym, and lots of forcing myself to do stuff I don’t want to do.”
You feel like “ugh, just the thought of doing a massive amount of work, even if it’s for something I want and love and need… just takes so much energy to get started.”
Now what if I told you that several of the case studies I interviewed lost the majority of their 100+ pounds without exercise?
(FYI – Dream Body: the Anti-Diet is 100% nutritional and integrative lifestyle coaching, there is no exercise involved whatsoever).
Consider this basic example:
Do you currently drink soda?
If so, do you think you would probably lose, 5, 10, 20 or 50 pounds if you stopped drinking it? (Probably, depending on where you are. Sol lost 30+ pounds just by removing soda).
Now how much TIME do you think it would take? How much time would you have to invest each day to, say, drink soda only 3x a week versus 7 days a week?
Certainly not 10 hours a week, right?
Probably not even an hour.
Maybe not even 10 minutes.
See how much easier it is now? Imagine if you broke down weight loss into 3, 5, or 10 simple habits, each habit only requiring a few minutes per day?
That’s the essence I’m trying to get at here. And that’s what Dream Body is based around. Micro habits, mini systems.
Remember: it’s the micro habits, the 100s of mini systems that make up YOU that result in your health, your wealth, your weight, and many other things.
You change things at their root – by changing tiny habits – and you see real, long-term results.
Barrier/Myth #2: “I’m really unmotivated…and you can’t succeed without motivation.”
Assumption:“I need to stay motivated every single day to lose weight.”
Funny thing.
Lauryn, Sol, Amanda, and others rarely mentioned motivation.
They used different words: commitment, habits, rituals, drive, passion, “loving the grind” and other phrases.
Motivation is a problem though – we tend to assume that the most successful people on earth are the most motivated… when realistically that isn’t true!
Just think about the last time you got “super” motivated. You watched an inspirational video or movie, or had a great conversation with a friend, or read an inspiring book.
All day you were bouncing on your feet, with a cheek-to-cheek smile, ready to take on the world.
But what happened the next morning? Back to square one, right?
Well that’s because motivation is an emotional state – and emotions are fleeting. They come, then they’re gone. You can’t build successful health and weight loss on that.
Remember Sol’s system in the last video?
He said that anytime he felt him getting sucked into someone else’s plan, he whipped out an old picture of himself, and reminded himself of where he wanted to be. Boom. Problem solved.
No motivation required. I’m going to tell you Sol’s story next week.
Barrier/Myth #3: “I don’t really know what I should be doing, so I can’t start.”
Assumption:“If I don’t have perfect information, there’s no point in me even starting.”
I frequently get emails sounding like this:
“ALEX, I’m so confused. Okay, I know I should be eating lean meats and veggies and good carbs. But I’m 300 pounds and I need to know ALL THE SPECIFICS about what I should be eating. What kinds of protein? How much? Is organic worth it? Low fat is bad right? Is dairy okay? What kinds of carbs are ideal, can you check out this protein shake to see if it meets your requirements?”
Whoaaaa Nelly, relax for a second.
I frequently talk about the 80/20 rule here and big wins.
Let me give you some examples:
Big win = removing soda and liquid carbs that you drink.
I told you about Sol (interview next week), who lost 30+ pounds just removing this.
I also told you about my CPR instructor years back that lost 100+ pounds (he was 400+ pounds), by removing soda.
Here’s another:
Big win = shifting from boxed food, to real food.
Amanda, Lauryn, Daniel, Sol, John, and every single one of the success stories I profiled emphasized eating REAL FOOD.
That’s all they ate.
Literally dozens (maybe hundreds) of case studies all embodied this “real food” principle.
Big win = shifting from “refined” to “whole.”
I’ve personally witnessed people reverse diabetes and get off their meds just by changing from eating white flour (white bagels) to “whole” flour, or brown rice. The nutrient load is up to 10x higher in “whole” foods, and it’s much nicer on your body and blood sugar.
That’s a huge win.
So you don’t need to focus on these tiny tiny things, like what kinds of protein you should be eating (for now), or which diet plan you need to rigorously follow, or whether or not to eat dairy. For the majority of you, emphasizing a few key big wins, a few key habits, is what leads to MINIMAL confusion, and thus MAXIMAL results.
Now, in-case you genuinely are confused about what to eat, I’ll be releasing a brand new video next week showing you my key points I give to all my clients and students.
Barrier/Myth #4: “I have to give up all the foods I like, or eat a ‘strict’ diet.”
Assumption: “This is going to suck. All pain, and no fun. What’s the point?”
Check this out:
Suhaib lost 22 pounds in 3 months… without restricting any food groups.
… And that was just after taking my advice in a FREE video. Imagine the results he might get if he joined one of my programs?
That’s why I have collected dozens of interviews with these success stories: 100+ pounds lost, without calorie counting, without restrictive plans, without sucky lifestyles, all while having a health, habits-first focus.
I am going to GIVE you the exact systems for all of these, because I’m going to prove to you that there’s a more gentle, effective, long-term, health-first approach to wellness and weight loss.
The era of “more discipline, more willpower” BS is over.
What’s Coming Next
Early next week, I’m going to share an interview with my friend Sol.
Sol went from 300 pounds… to having a six pack. Not bad 😉
And he did it all using the principles I’ve been introducing you to over the past week or so.
Systems, habits, psychology, behavioral change. Micro changes. Lifestyle optimization.
You’re going to learn lots more on this soon.
I’m also going to show you:
– What exactly you should be eating – that is healthy, natural, wholesome, and in fact, is potentially the most natural, holistic thing of all (video next week). Plus it doesn’t really eliminate any food groups.
– Amanda’s story – from 15 health conditions and over 200 pounds to mostly pain-free and medication-free.
– Lauryn’s story – 100 pounds lost, and maintained, as a single mother with two jobs, night classes, and a commute.
– Daniel’s story – 130 pounds lost as a video game designer, who conquered social cues making it hard for him to lose weight.
Don’t Forget to Get on the Dream Body Wait List
As I roll out more training, interviews, case studies, before and after pictures, and lots more, make sure you’re on the wait list to make sure you don’t miss any of this.
And then tell me below in the comments section:
Which one of these barriers do you think is the main reason you’ve been unable to lose weight long term?
Or is it something else?
Tell me below what specifically you think is holding you back.
– Alex
P.S. Don’t forget to get on the wait list here.
When I stop to think about what I need and want to do – to eat the right stuff etc – I have no problems with any of these. If I’m thinking about what I’m eating, I naturally choose what and even if I want to eat. BUT when I’m busy, rushing, stressed and surrounded by others who are talking to me, I forget to think about it at all. Then the food just goes in! It’s automatic and really hard to catch myself in time.
Hi MrsM,
Aha, that’s the tough one right? Things are easy to accomplish when life is good and there is no stress or anxiety. But once that kicks in… things can go out the window.
Do you have a plan for when these things happen?
It’s tricky catching myself in the act, but I have tried putting the food in the bowl of scraps for the chickens instead of in my mouth! And telling myself I’m not a bin, but sometimes I am actually feeling hungry after that. What should I snack on? I mean, what is it when you feel like you want to eat, but nothing seems to satisfy so then you look for carbs like toast, or cereal, or even the sweet stuff? And how do you stop that happening before getting to that stage?
Hi MrsM,
Chances are, you might be an emotional eater.
Do you find yourself doing this during the “down time” periods of the day?
I’m not sure I have “downtime” to be honest. I’m up no later than 6.30am, 15 mins meditation, make the lunches and wake my girls, leave for work with them at 8am, finish work at 5pm, home to cook dinner, listen and care for my middle daughter who has mental health problems, get girls to bed and walk the dogs by 9pm, work till 10 or 11pm in preparation for the next day, and collapse in bed. Weekends I catch up on the house, garden, cooking and more caring as she finds time off tricky, and then start all over again. It’s a struggle to try and be in bed for a whole 7 hours, and I often wake early in the morning. The eating often happens when I’m really busy, either in the kitchen or when I’m rushing.
My 2 biggest challenges are carb cravings and my wife buying junk such as biscuits.
Knowing there’s such stuff to eat available in the house makes it 10X harder to resist…
Totally with you there. It’s really tough when you live with someone who has junk hidden in the pantry.
When do you usually find yourself going for the carbs or junk?
Holy Cow! Just looking at that guy’s transformation makes me want to start right now! I can tell by his face that he’s not just sticking his gut out in the far left pic (far right pic, no more round face).
My biggest problem is that I do OK during the day, cut out 90% of sugar and white flour, but pig out before i go to bed, if I could get around that I’d probably loose 50-75lbs in one year.
Yea, I admit, I’m a pig but how many others here do exactly the same but won’t admit it? Be real with yourself and others here… no point in trying to cover up stuff like that and then expect real results…
Wish I had a way to feel satisfied at night, really, I’m about 80% good up until about 1o at night, then get cravings.
Hey Tom,
Sol is indeed a REAL story, unlike most of the crap you’ll find on the internet. Early next week I’m going to be sharing it (including a live 30 min interview with him).
“Yea, I admit, I’m a pig but how many others here do exactly the same but won’t admit it? Be real with yourself and others here… no point in trying to cover up stuff like that and then expect real results…
Wish I had a way to feel satisfied at night, really, I’m about 80% good up until about 1o at night, then get cravings.”
Let’s start here: why don’t you usually feel satisfied at night?
Are you avoiding eating a night?
Are you restricting yourself or depriving yourself throughout the day?
Do you have more “down time” at night?
Are you stressing out after work?
Is there a specific reason you can think of Tom?
I am fine with taking out the liquid carbs (aka juice) but shifting from “refined” to “whole” is pretty close to impossible since I have a wheat allergy and cannot eat bread (whole wheat, brown, multigrain, rye, etc) unless its white bread. Any suggestions on other “whole” grains I could eat instead?
Hi Radha,
Can you eat quinoa? Personally I have a wheat allergy too and don’t eat any bread or pasta – I tend to focus on brown or white rice, quinoa, or sweet potatoes.
In 2010 I started purging. I also realized I was compulsively exercising which was an eating disorder. I have stopped purging and I can not get back to exercising because I feel that if I’m not doing it for the right reason then why bother? My life is full of stress because my husband has Parkinson’s and it has been hell. In 2010 he hallucinated for 6 weeks, I’m scared to death that’s going to happen again. there are other reasons his Parkinson’s is causing me so much stress, too many to go over here. I’m thinking of going back to therapy, I know I’m so messed up. I need help.
Hi Anita,
Why not continue with the exercise for stress relief?
Alex, first I have to say you are nailing it on fitness and weight loss coaching. I’m going to re-read Master the Day and start documenting my “whys.” Motivation to me is the “why” in Master the Day so I respectfully take exception to your interpretation in Barrier/Myth #2. When you say that motivation is emotional, well so is the underlying impetus for commitment, drive, passion, and “loving the grind,” the words you said Lauryn, Sol, Amanda, and others used in their fitness/weight loss successes. Habits and rituals seem to be the structure or the framework for expressing that commitment, drive, passion and their love for the grind. My dialog regarding motivation is “Why!?” “Why am I doing this? This is uncomfortable and unsatisfying and I’m healthy and changing these habits doesn’t produce a quick enough reward to make the discomfort of withdrawal (as you pointed out the addictive nature of food) seem worthwhile.” Why would a heroin addict, a smoker or an alcoholic suffer to kick the habit when it feels so much better not to? And some of those habits are tiny. When I think of it, the why is emotional too but, like motivation, when I keep it in front of me as a reminder, it helps to displace the suffering with a vision of who I say I am that will last until they dig a hole, throw me in it and throw dirt in my face. So, thank you for the why. It’s my motivation.
Lost all the weight I wanted, in the beginning without even notice, began with healthier dinners with lots of veggies, to eat healthy and indulge on weekends, then research happened, how eat clean, how bad sugar and gluten were, and then exercise more and more, until I was training 4 times a week each session about 3 hours , heavy cardio, about 30km each session, my eating habits were 100% clean, for about a year… now that I reach the body I wanted I continue to eat clean but more often than not the called cheat meals became binge, chocolate is my sin… it’s like every time I eat something in the ” unhealthy ” category, I go all in , saying to myself it’s the last time so I eat everything until sick , this’s so bad and I feel so guilty afterwards…I just wanted to eat healthy and be able to have a cheat meal or day without going overboard, but my brain gets all primal…
I’ve lost the weight – 177 pounds of it in fact. My hang up is maintenance. I’m so scared to eat anything that remotely tastes pleasurable because I think I’ll balloon back up to 350, Throw in family that thinks that if I gain any weight at all it must be fat and I’m up a creek without a paddle and a leaky boat.
Hey Jeff – that’s a great point. How do you combat that now day to day?
Not well. It’s a struggle. I try not to care but it’s not easy. I tend to avoid eating socially because I don’t want the perception of “He’s fallen off the wagon”.
Really not sure what to do.
Hey Alex, have been following you for past two months or so. Wanted to thank you for sharing free what most people sell novadays. Content is actually very valuable and in my opinion hits the nail on the head. Since 90% of everything we do during the day are habits.
I am mostly using intermittent fasting life style and found it the most suitable choice for me. I supplemented my fasting with 3 small habits:
1) no sugar
2) no bread
3) no fries or potatoes (except for maybe soups)
It’s been a couple of months and I lost about 10 kg with another 15 to go. What I find the hardest is binge eating or sudden desires/cravings. I noticed that I might go to the shop and buy chips, cakes etc without even realising what I am doing at particular moment. It happens automatically.. So to summarise I think that our worst enemy is not lack of motivation, laziness etc but it’s our OLD habits what are triggered in particular places or situations. It’s hard, at least for me to combat that because a habit is an automatic behaviour and we often can’t control them.
Dude, Alex this is great! Congrats man, I can’t wait to hear what happens over the next few months.
Do you have a before/after picture you’d be comfortable sharing?
Would love if you could shoot me an email where we can talk more.
I’m about 50 pounds overweight. With diabetes and heart disease I realize I must get in shape. I turn 60 years old in 4 months. I know what to do regarding food and exercise but let life get in my way. I’m retired and a caregiver.
Depression, Alex. Depression. I’m in my 60’s, used to be incredibly fit (just a few years ago), but now I’m depressed, lonely, miserable. It’s a vicious cycle. The extra weight and lack of muscle tone makes me feel worse. I know that. But everything’s too depressing to get the mental energy needed (and kept) to do what needs to be done. I would love – so much – to look great, even if it’s just great for my age, but…It’s plain and simply, depression.
What’s holding me back is the “paralysis of analysis”. I’m so busy trying to find the right “diet” program, I never start to see if it’s the one.
I usually have a healthy vegetarian diet, mostly vegan, but eventually after a couple of months I tell myself I can have a dessert, and then I crave sugary foods and binge on them for about the same period of time, and am not that interested in healthy foods, kind of like an alcoholic. Then I have to work up the motivation to cut out the sweets again, and on and on it goes. If I eat sweets I am out of control.
I usually have a healthy vegetarian diet, mostly vegan, but eventually after a couple of months I tell myself I can have a dessert, and then I crave sugary foods and binge on them for about the same period of time, and am not that interested in healthy foods, kind of like an alcoholic. Then I have to work up the motivation to cut out the sweets again, and on and on it goes. If I eat sweets I am out of control. Anxiety makes me want to eat also.
It depends on mood. I am the one who is motivated and inspired with rules whichever I think I should follow; exercise. Wake up early, Work with joy. But except my period. Woman specifically above 40’s have faced different era because of the hormone, which effects relatively less emotion comparing with my 20’s or at least under my control as matured (aged and exprienced). But under this hormone cycle, I always allow my laziness.