How To Boost Your Willpower 600% in 5 Minutes (With These Two Weird Studies)
Two weird studies were done to figure out what ACTUALLY influences your willpower.
In the first study, college students had to watch an annoying video where they were told to concentrate on a woman talking – while images and words kept popping up in the bottom of the screen.
In the second study, researchers from Stanford Business School analyzed the Israeli Parole system – to see if there was a link between willpower and your chances of being released – or stuck in prison.
These two studies had some CRAZY realizations that I’m confident will help you learn how to boost your willpower, so that you can stick with the healthy habits you might have a hard time maintaining.
In today’s video I share those 4 revelations:
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What’s one thing you can do today – to apply one of these 4 pieces of advice?
Share your plan below!
– Alex
P.S. There’s going to be a free, live training coming up called 7 Steps to Losing Your First (or Next) 20 Pounds – The Real Food Way. Reserve your spot here – the training is 50% filled up.
Pre-make a healthy dinner at lunchtime after eating lunch.
Love it Don! This is a regular system for me that has saved me immensely. Let me know how it works for you.
– Alex
Hi Alex, found your site recently, loving your take on practical health/well-being strategies for regular people.
My core training is Tai Chi. For the last week or so I’ve been training 1st thing when I get up. Every day.
Even if there’s only time for a short session, it sets me up from the start!
Def. going to stick with this habit.
Best wishes
Cheers Lain!
I love Tai Chi – and want to get back into it soon!
Keep a healthy snack in my purse (green apple, nuts, veggies etc.). This has saved me from a wrong choice countless times.
Hi Jasmine!
My mom does the exact same. I’ve found something very very similar to work for me- I’m big on cashews. I definitely fall into the grazer category.
I’m a night owl by nature, but now i’m getting up half an hour earlier in the mornings and doing yoga.
Awesome Tony! Keep it going.
Developing a morning routine is a great and underrated key to becoming more successful (in anything) I think! Great vids by the way.
Regularly stock the fridge with veggies, fruits and other healthy food and reach out for them instead of the phone to call the pizza delivery place.
Love it Siddarth! Let me know how it works out for you.
I’m a math teacher with a crazy schedule. I tutor students before and after school, but more importantly I don’t usually get lunch because I am working with struggling learners. I am going to make sure I bring lots of fresh fruit and protein snacks to snack on throughout the days since my lunch always comes home uneaten.
This jogged my memory back to the time I was thin, I exercized first thing in the AM before I did anything else. Must get backto that habit!
Hah, let me know how it goes for you Marcy!
I love the tip of doing the hardest or most important tasks in the morning. Definitely going to try that so that evenings I can be on auto pilot. Hopefully this will help alleviate some stress.
Try it out and let me know how it goes for you Hazel!
I carry protien bars in my purse for emergencies and it’s come oh, so handy at times! If I eat one before a big outing or party, I’m not hungry and don’t look constantly for things to munch on.
Still….. all those things you said do pass occasionally through my head though “No, I shouldn’t touch that. Ok I will and start tomorrow” How do you suggest to quiet them? How do you answer back to them?
Hey Danit,
I agree this is really useful. When you say “No I shouldn’t touch that” – is there a specific scenario when you find yourself getting cravings the most?
Yes….. either at work at around 3pm or late in the evening
Great video. Even more reason to schedule appts early in am – dentists, blood tests, any dreaded meeting. Get better care because their bodies work on the same system.
You offer sound and common sense advice. Thanks for sharing it so freely. Most often those who need it the most have the least.
Happy it helped Linda !
Take all foods out of site except healthy ones, that’s what cabinets are for.