How to Feel More Confident In Your Body (And Succeed Even if You’ve Failed Before)
One of the biggest barriers to us getting healthier, creating healthy habits, and achieving all our health goals is one thing: our own confidence and self esteem, and the story we tell ourselves.
You’ve probably failed a few times just like I have trying to achieve a goal important to you: whether it’s your health or a personal dream or aspiration.
And over time, sometimes we internalize those failures and end up thinking that we’re the failure.
And as time goes on, gradually we end up believing that internal story that we’re failures.
And then one day we just stop trying. Because if we’re going to fail anyway, why bother trying again?
In today’s video I’m going to show you some research that’ll show you how to re-write your thoughts to get over previous failures, boost your self confidence, and inspire you to keep pushing forward.
Re-Writing The Story In Your Head
In the Real Food Tribe I talk about this quite a bit – sometimes the internal dialogue in our head is so overwhelmingly negative that it’s impossible to get ourselves motivated to begin, especially after repeated failure.
The antidote is that we need to cultivate healthy systems: both external systems and habits dealing with how we eat, approach changing our lives, support ourselves with people, as well as internal habits like gratitude, positive self talk, visualization, and more.
Inside the program, some of the special guests share in their interviews how they got over the internal self talk, how they got over their deepest fears and darkest doubts, so that they could get the body and health that they wanted.
It’s currently closed, however if you’d like to be notified once I open it again, you can join the wait list here.
What Has Been Holding You Back? Leave a Comment Below
What is the internal dialogue inside your head?
What is it telling you? Why is it saying you’ve failed before, or why is it trying to sabotage you and prevent you from succeeding?
Take a second and tell me below.
– Alex
Here’s the original study I mentioned on self esteem, confidence and body image.
Sounds like me with my job – no confidence always thinking they will fire me because I am a woman and I am not 30 anymore.
Hi Sandy –
Thanks for sharing – very very powerful – the internal narrative can sometimes derail our lives. Here’s the million dollar question: is it true?
Hi Alex,
you’re absolutely right, all those times I’ve planned meticulously my training for the week to achieve my half marathon and felt really positive energised and motivated, but aiming to fit it in early morning before school runs or last thing at night and I’ve ended up having a late night or disrupted night with the children or with chores etc, or suddenly found come 8pm I am so wiped out so I’ve missed the session and made excuses, which the next day I feel dreadful about, and over the years as it’s happened more and more often I now get excited about the idea of running, I search for races but I don’t enter, my training gear gathers dust and I keep setting myself new plans but not even getting as far as putting on my trainers as I resign myself to the fact I won’t uphold my ambitions so now I don’t even start. It’s daft and your video sets it out as clear as day.
It’s just the same when you have a stressed tired emotional hormonal day and you find yourself eating eat far too much rubbish food that actually repulses you most other days, and you feel terrible, but that day follows through to the next day and it snowballs into an entire awful week before you know it, because you feel you’ve let yourself down via mindset, and it takes a random event or change of plans to knock you out of it and get you back on track again. It’s that mindset kicking in again and you’re spot on, you can undo it, and it makes a massive difference to the way you feel about everything, inside and out.
Hi Nic –
“It’s just the same when you have a stressed tired emotional hormonal day and you find yourself eating eat far too much rubbish food that actually repulses you most other days, and you feel terrible, but that day follows through to the next day and it snowballs into an entire awful week before you know it, because you feel you’ve let yourself down via mindset, and it takes a random event or change of plans to knock you out of it and get you back on track again. It’s that mindset kicking in again and you’re spot on, you can undo it, and it makes a massive difference to the way you feel about everything, inside and out.”
This is huge! You nailed it. This is why we need to catch it every day and prevent it from turning into a huge monster.
Am always things to motivate me but currently I lost all my self confidence because wherever am going I faced failure moment job, life, friends. now am fully affected with mentally, I don’t know how to get-rid-out from this state. am easily affected with emotional act. can you help me, how I have to face emotional and failure moment?
Hi Kamatchi,
I totally know what you’re feeling.
Let me ask you this: what do you really want from life? When I was in my WORST part of life, the thing that helped me the most was visualizing the life I really wanted – and spending just a few minutes each day taking one more step to get a bit closer.
What’s the smallest step you can take today? When you’re discouraged, it’s really important to just take it easy, and take baby steps.
Hi, you are right on track, the internal narrative is something that I keep struggling with. No matter what I do, I seem to get back to the “old and untrue story”, I internally know is not true but I seem unable to get rid of it, why?
Hi Arturo – what do your narrative say, and WHY does it claim that it’s true?
Thank you for helping people find their hidden strength and inner whole. Most traditional doctors or therapists make people people like they are broken and that they need someone else repair them
I totally agree with you Kristen!