The Natural Sweetener Worse Than High Fructose Corn Syrup (& The Truth Behind Eating “Natural” Sugar)
Glucose Sweetener, Dextrose Sweetener, Fructose, Brown Sugar… What’s What?!
Natural sweeteners like honey, agave, or cane sugar are not any better for you than “other” sugars.
There is a widespread belief that “natural” is better – and that natural things can’t be bad for you.
Sugar is one of those very wrong assumptions.
Many, many times I’ve heard people in the supermarket remark that agave or honey is better for you because they’re “natural” sugars.
But is it true?
Exclusive Bonus: Download this bonus sugar checklist, so you know exactly what to eat and what to avoid.
Your Body On Sugar: Natural Sweeteners 101
Glucose is the main energy source of your body. Your brain requires glucose to function, and in fact, a huge percentage of your daily calories go to powering your brain. Pretty cool huh?
So there’s glucose – the “sugar” in your blood that gives you energy.
Your body generally gets it from eating carbohydrates (although the body can make it from other sources if it has to).
Then there’s dextrose – chemically identical to glucose.
Then you’ve got fructose – fructose is the form of sugar generally found in fruits and honey. (Think F = Fruits)
Then there’s sucrose, which is half glucose, half fructose – following me? Sucrose is table sugar, the white grainy stuff you usually associate with being sugar.
So here are the general rules:
Glucose = from carbs.
Fructose = from fruits, honey, agave, and high fructose corn syrup.
Dextrose = usually produced commercially then added to food to sweeten it.
Sucrose = white table sugar, produced from the sugar cane plant (& other sources).
Natural Is Better Is Not Better – The Truth Behind Brown Sugar, White Sugar, Raw Sugar, Agave, Honey, High Fructose Corn Syrup
People mistakenly have the idea that natural sweeteners and natural sugars are somehow different from “other” sugars, so they go ahead and load up on raw cane sugar, honey, or agave and aren’t worried about dumping it in everything they drink or eat.
The problem is that, metabolically, they’re basically the same in your body (with one exception, see below).
So Where the Heck Do All These Sugars Come From?!
Here’s a quick 101 on what you’re eating:
Cane Sugar
Cane sugar comes from the sugar cane plant. It then goes through a refining process in order to turn it into the nice white sugar you’re familiar with. Cane sugar is table sugar.
Composition: Sucrose (50% glucose 50% fructose)
Raw Sugar
Raw sugar is just cane sugar that has been processed less – it’s harvested earlier on in the processing/refining process when the sugar is taken from the plant to the final product. This is just table sugar earlier in the process.
Composition: Sucrose (50% glucose 50% fructose)
White Sugar
White sugar is just refined through the process I described above (taking it from plant form to smooth and grainy), and then washed several times (or sometimes bleached) to give it that extra white appearance. One of the reasons they do this is that it gives it a more neutral (flavorless) taste and allows it to have a longer shelf life.
It’s the same as cane sugar just further down the refining process – this is still natural and comes directly from a plant.
Composition: Sucrose (50% glucose 50% fructose)
Brown Sugar
Brown sugar is just white sugar that has molasses added. The darkness of the brown is related to how much molasses is in there.
Composition: Sucrose (50% glucose 50% fructose)
Honey is made up of fructose and glucose (like high fructose corn syrup).
Composition: 20% water, 30% Glucose, 40% Fructose
High Fructose Corn Syrup
HFCS comes from corn and consists of glucose and fructose – which depends on which version of high fructose corn syrup is being used.
If you’re drinking it in soda, you’re probably getting a variety that is 55% fructose and 42% glucose (the rest being water).
Why do we use it? Fructose is many, many times sweeter than normal white sugar, and it’s cheaper for companies to use it.
Agave is made from the same plant that we get Tequila from.
Composition: Agave is 70%+ fructose – which is actually more than high fructose corn syrup.
[Side note: Honey, brown sugar, sugar in the raw and sugar in general provide little to no nutritional benefits.]
All Sugars Do Not Have the Same Effect On Your Body (Lay Off That Agave, Folks!)
In one study, scientists gave people a beverage that was sweetened with either glucose or fructose. The drink was 25% of their daily total calories, and they were told to drink it for 10 weeks to see if there would be any differences in weight/fat gain.
At the end of the study, the weight gain was similar in the two groups, but what was interesting was that only the fructose group had numerous other negative effects.
For example, in only the fructose group, fat synthesis in the liver increased, in addition to abdominal fat gain.
In the fructose (not glucose) group, it also led to:
- Increased triglycerides levels
- Increased levels of apoB, LDL Cholesterol, and a half dozen other biomarkers of heart disease risk
Fructose and insulin sensitivity
When your body is insulin resistant, the natural processing of sugars and regulation of blood sugar is impaired.
Chronic insulin resistance leads you down the road to diabetes (and you’re generally overweight a long time before this sets in).
In this particular study, fructose totally whacked out the body and started showing signs of insulin resistance. In men, it lead to more fat gain, and in women was linked more to insulin resistance.
Fructose actually promotes the elevation of cholesterol and triglycerides much worse than glucose.
Fructose has been proposed as one of the implicating causes of nonfatty liver disease.
Another study showed that fructose, not glucose, provokes increased food intake.
There’s also loads more evidence showing that one of the main reasons why drinking soda is making you overweight is because of the insane amount of fructose in it (thanks High Fructose Corn Syrup!)
And in another study done, this time on Agave, the researchers concluded:
“Even moderate consumption of fructose-containing liquids may lead to the onset of unfavorable changes in the plasma lipid profile and one marker of liver health, independent of significant effects of sweetener consumption on body weight.”
Agave is actually worse than high fructose corn syrup because of its insanely high fructose levels.
It’s easy to think “Oooh, Agave comes from a plant, so that must be healthier than this chemical high fructose corn syrup crap!” Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the genius marketers behind Agave wanted you to think. And it worked.
Sugar (Any Kind) = Early Death
Don’t fall into the trap thinking that natural sweeteners and natural sugars are somehow better for you. Consuming sugar (of any kind) in excess is one of the main players in weight gain, heart disease and diabetes – which then dramatically raises your risk of dying from everything else – like cancer.
Being overweight raises your risk of more than a dozen types of cancer, and for some specific cancers, 50% of the cancer cases were attributed to being overweight. (Cancer.org)
I Gotcha. Sugar is Bad. Blah Blah …So What Sugar Should I Add to My Morning Coffee!?
If you’re not consuming that much sugar in general, a tablespoon of honey a day obviously isn’t going to kill you especially if you are eating healthy otherwise. Just remember that honey and “raw sugar” are not any better than any other sugar – and that agave seriously rivals high fructose corn syrup in terms of how bad it is.
Reducing how much sugar you eat (from any source – natural or otherwise) is craaaaazy important.
Thoughts? Hit me up below
Alright, that’s it folks!
Share some scary sugar stories with me below and leave a comment.
— Alex
Images: Ant via wikipedia, honey via freedigitalphotos.net
the reason why wise nutritionists push on “natural sugars” is that they come packed with other useful nutrients in foods, not because they are any better than processed refined sugar. It’s the case of fructose, found in fruit with plenty of other useful minerals and vitamins. In my opinion there’s no point in showing that all sugars are the same, as sugars…
Hey Paolo,
Yeah I totally agree that if you’re consuming sugar in the form of fruit – that’s fine. This was mostly in reference to added sugars (like those we put in coffee, tea, etc.).
You’re right though – natural sugars (again, found IN the fruit) comes with tons of other nutrients and important vitamins and minerals.
I think it’s just misleading that certain sweeteners (like Agave) give people the illusion that they are naturally much healthier.
Very mislaeding article full of propaganda and misinformation there! It is common myth that sugar is killer,evil and gives you diabetes. It is wrong to think all sources of sugar is the same and same effect on body. Sugar is not evil. People don’t get diabetes from consuming sugar ! People get fat because they consume more calories than burned, period.
Your body’s main fuel is glucose, your liver regulates your sugar (liver glycogen) and your muscles store glycogen to be used for energy. People on average are eating far more than what they can store and so the rest is converted to fat stores. Also the high glycemic index and high carb diets people have also encourage fat storage ! If you are a very active person, work out and eat well, sugar is not evil it is essential ! This is when your body is most sensitive to insulin and the best times to consume carbs (post workout) and even pre-work out. You will get more nutriants from natural sources than refined / highly processed sources. Yes the body ends up converting to glucose anyway, BUT it’s not the whole story. You are getting FIBER with fruit, some meals with carbs also contain fiber, starch, which take longer to digest and therefore the raise in blood sugar is slower, than consuming raw sugar or a high glycemic source! The big evil here is the constant high rise spike of blood sugar and insulin spikes.
I know people who consume sugar DAILY, all sources, they are perfectly heatlhy, normal BP, optimal glucose and HbA1c.
Personally I avoid white sugar and refined / highly processed foods as much as possible. I stick to low to medium glycemic, and ONLY do high glycemic after a workout, where my body will make the best use of the sugar ! I avoid CARB only meals, I usually consume a proper ratio protein / carbs / fibers.
In fact, getting carbs from the right sources can actually HELP your blood sugar. Keeping your blood sugar STABLE is key. Honey is not evil! But put honey on white toast and it changes a lot.
Whatever you do sugar, whatever source, it still remains calories in and calories out. You want to eat natural sources of foods as much as possible, avoid refined carbs, processed foods, etc that have no nutriants and bad for you.
Also different people react differently to sugar. Some people are healthy and have good metabolisms, other people are too carb sensitive, or insulin resistent, etc…… Sugar is NOT evil and is NOT a killer, it’s how people use it and consume it, in relation to genetics and how active of a life style people have.
And BTW, I avoid any food that has artificial sweeteners or HFCS.
BTW, honey is healthier than white bread and white sugar………. Glycemic index of honey is 55 compared to sugar, 68,, white bread, about 70, etc.
Everything in moderation is ok. If you are healthy, active, have normal blood markers and don’t eat more cals than you burn you will be just fine ! There are times where it is beneficial to eat high glycemic as I stated above……… Carbs are not evil contrary to propaganda, sugar is not evil either, it’s how people use and consume them.
Same shit for FAT……. FAT does not make you FAT, and not all fats are bad.
Too much of a good thing can also be bad,
too much protein is not good, too much fats, too much sugar, too much of everything.
And sine the average diet is predominent in refined carbs and procssed foods, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, no wonder people are getting fat!!!!
Glucose and Dextrose are the same thing dumbass.
Hey dumbass calling someone else dumbass! Did you read the article? Glucose = carbs, Dextrose = from plants – no carbs. Chemically I guess they are the same but there is a clear difference. Dumbass!
plants are considered carb rich, so you cannot really say they don’t have carbs… >_> that’s saying you’re eating real fillet mignon which is not meat.
Hi Dorklord –
I clarified which carbs I meant in the article :-).
Alas it is you who are completely wrong. Read “Good Calories, Bad Calories” by Gary Taubes and you will understand that the “science” you are relying upon to claim that “calories are calories, period” is just plain flatly – disprovably – wrong. Furthermore the introduction of fructose, in the form of white sugar and other sources, is probably, through its effects on insulin resistance in the body going to eventually prove to have been THE cause of cancer, heart disease and diabetes which have wracked the Western world for the past 200 years and the rest of it for the past 50 years. No offense, but you couldn’t be more wrong and you need to read the book before your “advice” kills you or someone else.
“Everything in moderation is OK”
Darkstar has been brainwashed. Everything in moderation is not ok. A piece of fruit or two a day is about all the body is happy with. Eat more sugar that that in any form, and you are begging for cancer.
A small amount of fruit is actually the ONLY thing the body needs to thrive. Research Arnold Ehret’s ‘rational fasting’ and you will soon know the truth about how insane our present system of nutrition is !!!
The real danger from HFCS is that it contains MERCURY and this is amplified when HFCS is heated dring processing
Hi Darkstar, some people are sugar sensitive (see http://www.radiantrecovery.com) – for these people sugar acts like a drug in their body, therefore they find it difficult to eat sugar in moderation. There are many many people (on the sugar sensitive forum attached to the website) who have reversed their Type 2 diabetes *without* losing any weight whatsever, but they have changed *what* they eat (i.e. cut out sugar) – so I disagree that it’s just excess calories that cause diabetes.
“People don’t get diabetes from consuming sugar”..you’re an idiot!
Even though this post is 2 years after the fact, those added nutrients from natural forms of sugar can be obtained elsewhere.
If a nutritionist is going to ask themselves what’s a better source to obtain the same nutrients; natural form of sugar or spinach? The answer should be pretty clear. Instead of obtaining “said” nutrients from natural sugar, obtain it elsewhere from healthier sources.
And yes, sugar is the cause of diabetes, specifically fructose. This was known 2 years ago and it’s known now.
I recently have been learning about sugar, obesity, diabetes from a Dr Jason Fund–he is brilliant and has great informative videos online if you google him–he is from Scarborough Ontario [Toronto] Canada–his part 1V lecture talks about the effects of sugar and todays wheat products–it is not about calories in and calories out, and exercise -he explains why in his easy to understand lectures. He has sure changed my way of thinking and weight loss methods–he works with obesity, diabetics, and dialysis patients as that is his specialty–[kidney] he see’s the effects of diets as kidney disease is one very bad outcome with diabetics–HE IS BRILLIANT–and once you start listing to his lectures you can not get enough–he talks about insulin as the driver of obesity and diabetes and how to fix it–fasting. easy to follow, ever other day even–sugar and wheat are our biggest enemies [not sugars so much in fruits if eating in whole form]
its the hidden sugars hidden in our processed foods–i ended up on this site because i just noted dextrose was in the half and half creamer–that can not be good
Question…..I have a meal replacement whey protein shake that includes Fructose (10grams). However, it is sourced from apples, beets & pears. Is this something I should be concerned with? Thank you.
Best to eat whole foods in this case apples, beets and pears…. because the fiber slows down the processing of the sugars found in these natural foods…. anything processed, like in the protein shake, or juice, does not contain the fibre that you will find in whole fruits, vegetables.. Read Fat Chance … author explains everything there about sugar …
The amount of vitamins and minerals in sugar are trace. Realistically no benefit from getting them from sugars. With a normal 2000-2500 cals diet we already take more vitamins than we physically need.
This is one of the (many) other problems with our health, possibly just after sugar.
We do NOT “take” enough vitamins or minerals in our diets, regardless of the calories.
What is missing more than anything are the vegetables. Most don’t come anywhere near the (low) minimum recommendations of 6-8 servings (600-800g). Likewise they suggest fruits (which have much less variety of vitamins and minerals) equally which further reduces your intake.
I’m not saying you become vegetarian, sometimes that doesn’t work for many people, but we do NOT eat enough vegetables which are the most productive way to get our micronutrients.
Just because a sweet food has more nutrients in it doesn’t mean it is better. See http://www.mercola.com or read Cure Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagal. If fructose levels are high, minerals aren’t properly absorbed. These minerals are needed to metabolize our nutrients. In other words the nutrient content of fruit is negated because we can’t absorb these nutrients properly. Over time too much fructose can lead to high triglycerides and fatty liver. How can this be better? Our ancestors ate very little fruit and the fruit they ate is very different from what we have access to in our stores. Even organic.
Actually, our ancestors ate heaps of fruit and very little meat. The reason being is that we are tropical beings and it was much easier (and safer) to gather than to hunt. As we migrated away from the tropics it’s safe to say that fruit became more seasonal but it is a complete fallacy to say that our ancestors ate very little fruit. The fact that nature provides an abundance of fruit for humans and animals to consume suggests that fruit is part of our dietary requirements. In fact, i have lived on a farm with life-long fruitarians and not one of them is overweight or suffering from heart disease or diabetes.
Hi Alex,
Where does maple syrup fall into this cateogry? Would you believe before I learned about fructose, I went out and bought a bag of fructose because I thought since fructose is in fruits, that was the best sugar to use!!!
One of the best videos I have watched on sugar was by Dr. Lustig titled “Sugar: The Bitter Truth”. I learned a lot about sugar by watching this very informative video.
Hi Lisa,
Maple syrup is mostly glucose and water so it falls on the “better” side of the spectrum. But like any sugar, try not to eat too much
Haha well it sounds logical ! I don’t blame you, many of us have thought that at some point.
Hi Alex,
Can you tell me where you found the information that maple syrup is mostly glucose and water? Wikipedia seems to disagree, but I don’t trust that it is correct!
“[maple syrup] consists primarily of sucrose and water, with small amounts of the monosaccharides glucose and fructose from the invert sugar created in the boiling process.”
Sucrose is, of course, a glucose and fructose monosaccharide, therefore 50% fructose.
Woops, Jacqui you’re right. Meant to say Sucrose, not glucose. Getting myself tongue twisted here !
Maple syrup is not mostly glucose. According to this study Maple syrup is mostly sucrose, table sugar basically.
Blanca – You’re right, I just checked some research myself: 98% sucrose essentially table sugar.
Wikipedia is edited by viewers, and it has some of the most unreliable information, including the “fact” that Vince Lombardi lived on Webster Street.
Maple syrup is the greatest. SAP from the maple tree. I will guzzle gallons of it a day and live longer than all of yall
Hi Alex
What about stevia?
Hi Debbie,
I generally avoid sweeteners including stevia. I would stick with straight up cane sugar – and just minimize consumption if possible.
Stevia seems to be OK in the research – meaning there isn’t any glaring evidence that it’s bad for you that I’ve found. Having said that, I personally don’t like the taste. It reminds me of the “not quite sugar” taste of other artificial sweeteners.
– Alex
Alex. A comment about Stevia. I have read Stevia is a pure and natural sweetener. Your comment about the taste. I innocently bought a container with the name of stevia on it thinking I’m buying something that had nothing bad in it. Did I have it wrong. I also didn’t like the taste and it also reminded me of the not sugar Sugarine taste.
Eventually I did check the ingredients and guess what, it contained only 1% stevia. The rest was some kind of fillers of which after some research I found have worse consequences on our health than sugar. And who do you think produced this product? The same who make the artificial sweeteners. No wonder it had that taste. I’m sure natural stevia doesn’t have that taste.
Wow – Jeff. That’s pretty scary- I’ve actually never bought Stevia before, but this is pure manipulation. What company made it?
Probably someone who wanted to make more money by leading people down a false road. I can justify it with this fact: chemotologists do this to people who don’t have cancer just to make a quick million. I saw it ALL OVER the news. So yeah, lying is a profitable market, nice to know how wonderful the human race is! … NOT! I sometimes really hate being a human when I see others doing these disgusting deeds… To be honest, if some how by a twist of fate that aliens exist (which I doubt they exist completely, but everyone around me is talking about them) and they see how wrong what we are doing to our kind is, I will automatically agree with them. And if they are honest individuals like I am, then side with them. I hate lies, period.
Hi –
Do you see a product for sale on this page? I don’t. Where do you see deception?
the stevia plant, itself, may be safer than other sugar substitutes, but like all the other artificial sweeteners, it is processed with heat and chemicals to get it to your kitchen table.
I agree with Alex about the taste of stevia. To me, the taste of stevia reminds me of saccharin, which was the only sugarless choice back when I was looking for a sugar substitute….late 60s.
Hi Alex!
I ‘stumbled upon’ your site searching for answers & solutions to back pain that is different from any that I’ve ever experienced. I kept reading…saw this post…
how about xylitol, stevia,…??? You may have posted about these already…I’m just getting started!!!
Have a great ‘4th’!
Hey Nancy,
Awesome, I’m glad you liked the back pain post!
Re: xylitol and stevia – I generally avoid sweeteners. I would stick with straight up cane sugar – and just minimize consumption if possible.
Stevia seems to be OK in the research, but I personally don’t like the taste. To me it tastes like an artificial sweetener which doesn’t taste as good as sugar anyway ;).
– Alex
Stevia alters the gut microbiome:
Hi Alex,
There is one type of sugar we produce here in the Philippines called coco sugar, which is from the coconut sap. Its claimed that its good for diabetics because of its low glycemic index. Care to comment on that?
Hi Cha,
To be honest I don’t know anything about coco sugar. Sorry
. If it truly is low GI it’s probably better for diabetics, but overall reducing sugar intake is ideal for everyone.
– Alex
After reading your comment about coco sugar I decided to find out.
Wikipedia says “Coconut sugar consists primarily of sucrose[4](containing glucose and fructose). “The major component of coconut sugar is sucrose (70–79%) followed by glucose and fructose (3–9%) each.”
That sounds good until you think that sucrose is a glucose and a fructose molecule, therefore half of that 79% is fructose really. I would think that sucrose is broken down into the glucose and fructose before being processed, but I am not sure.
One reason it may be said to be good for diabetics is that fructose is processed by the liver and has no affect on insulin, therefore higher fructose = better for diabetics but fructose is more easily stored as fat.
As Alex says it seems we should just cut out as much sugar as possible.
No, fructose is NOT better for diabetics. It does influence insulin level — it decreases insulin sensitivity of our cells.
Hello, thanks, this was useful. I’ve been researching ‘raw sugar’ for so long today (part of my job…) and got conflicting information. But I’ve also found out that ‘rapadura’ and ‘sucanat’ sugars are good and unrefined. Personally, I keep sugar in the house only for my guests who can’t do without
Hey Alena,
No problem
Hopefully this clarified it for you. It wasn’t easy for me to figure out, so I figured others must be confused too!
I agree, keeping sugar just for the guests is a great idea
I live in Sweden and they make sugar out of beets. I was born in Canada and was used to cane sugar and my sister and I did a comparison taste test. Cane sugar is VERY much sweeter than sugar made from beets and if you cook with it, say, make a cake with beet sugar, the cake isn’t nearly as sweet as if you used the same amount of cane sugar. Beet sugar also smells… kind of bad. My question though is, what is the composition of beet sugar? Is it 50% glucose and 50% fructose too? Despite the fact that it is weak on the sweet taste meter? Is it good to use beet sugar if you want to cut back on sugar? Or is it the same as the other sugars? On the other hand, sometimes you might have to add extra sugar to make up for the lack of sweetness. That can’t be good. I am really puzzled by beet sugar.
Hi Beverly,
… To be honest, I’m not sure! I would treat it like sugar though – rather than trying to find better sources of sweet stuff, try reducing consumption overall. I personally don’t think I’ve tried sugar from sugar beets, maybe I’ll have to try it soon !
Most sugar beets are genetically modified so for that reason alone, I would stay away from that type of processed sugar. Sugar from organic sugar cane plants is a better option. I stress “organic” because it is becoming a common practice that non-organic sugar cane is saturated with glyphosate just prior to harvest because it starts a die-off or drying of the plant that makes it easier to harvest, but at the same time it’s going to contribute more toxic herbicide residue going into the end product.
Too funny. You should know that sugar beets are broken down to the molecular level during the extraction process so it’s 100% impossible for any glysophate to remain in the end product…
Cane sugar and beet sugar are EXACTLY the same. There isn’t a lab in the world that can tell them apart. There is NO taste difference. Both beet and cane sugar are 50% glucose and 50% fructose. No beet sucrose in the USA is currently bleached. The “extra refining” that white sugar gets is a hot water wash in a centrifuge. Sugar is white and any sugar you buy that’s not pure white has non sugars in it.
I’ll go a step further. There has been a lot of talk about the fact that beets are genetically modified. While true, sugar beets are Broken down to the molecular level during extraction. There isn’t a lab in the world who has found even a trace amount of herbicide in the sugar.
You can stop eating sugar for any reason you like, but you should at least know the truth and do it for the right reason.
Great post, very informative, I learned a lot. I know some other people already asked about artificial sweeteners, but no one mentioned splenda. Would you recommed that over natural sweeteners? Is it as safe as stevia? What about those people who use splenda as their sole sweetener in baking?
Hi Sol,
I personally avoid Splenda and stick with real sugars as much as possible. Many people think that because these sweeteners are low calorie or sugar-free they are somehow healthier… but science is really only just beginning to understand how they really work in our body.
Regarding Splenda, I had a really bad experience with it. The gastrointerologist explained that because the body doesn’t process it in a normal way, it can reach the large intestines and feed the bad bacteria there. And whatever eats excretes. So, you can end up with excess waste from the bad bacteria basically pooping in your guts. Plus, there are other problems people have with Splenda. Stinks cuz I used to love that stuff.
Hey Alex,
It would seem that the “safest” sweetener to use would be to use glucose (or as it’s sold, dextrose). I don’t trust the various other artificial sweeteners – you can fool your taste buds maybe, but not your metabolism. Glucose I think is something that we know is relatively safe.
Hi Chris,
Personally I try to keep it simple: I just use real sugar, and use it sparingly. Doesn’t leave any confusion. If I want maple syrup, I get real maple syrup. But I know it’s sugar so I don’t have it for breakfast every day ;).
If you’re going to use sweeteners I would just use raw sugar or something along those lines.
What are your thoughts about maple syrup?
Hi T,
I treat it like eating any other sugar – e.g. use real sugar if you have to, and use all sugars in moderation.
– Alex
I just found “Swerve Sweetener” that is suppose to be up and coming and safe. Please tell me you have heard of it, I just ordered some online after spending the entire morning reading about the sweeteners and side effects, etc. Thank You!
Sooo, sugar is NO different than honey ( a medicine in it’s own right), Stevia ( a dried and powdered herb with other health benefits), and coconut sugar with very low GI which acts differently with our body’s processes), you seem new at this…
Hi Em,
Where or when did I say that?
The biologically active form of glucose is d-glucose, or dextrorotary glucose. The food industry often refers to this chemical as dextrose.
Put more simply: Dextrose and glucose are precisely the same thing. There is absolutely no difference between the two, both names refer to the same molecule.
Also, Chris has the right idea. Fructose is the real trouble maker. You can actually buy powdered glucose and use that as a sweetener instead. You’d be much better off doing this, in my opinion. Bear in mind it’s not as sweet as fructose, so you might be tempted to use a bit more of it at first. Even if you did that, you’d be better off, but making an effort to use less would be optimal. Another huge problem is that we’ve all been conditioned to expect super sweet. Cut out all of the junk food, give your taste buds time to adjust, and a little bit of powdered glucose will go a long way for you.
This is such helpful information. I’ve been trying to do research on different types of sugar and you have laid it out quite well.
Do you happen to have another blog written about aspartame, or do you have any thoughts on it?
Hi Jessica,
I don’t yet, because I’m trying not to become SUPER research oriented, but I will dig up someone who has and will send it your way
That would be great. Thanks!
The best resource for Aspartame is Cori Brackett’s site http://www.sweetremedyradio.com/pages/aboutcori.html and a documentary called “Sweet Misery”
Very informative article, my only criticism, for what it’s worth, is that (re: raw and processed being the same) processing and bleaching is not good at all, so out of the gates, raw definitely gets the point.
In it’s own class should be Honey, not that I contest your point concerning metabolism, but when sourced from regional hives, has shown to increase resistance to “local” allergens and has been used as an inflammatory and antibiotic for centuries. I realize that your point is more toward cautioning the reader on haveing a diet high in sugar (any form) and to that end I absolutely agree. note…The “HONEY” from China and India et al. that has been filtered is not the honey I am defending.
What do you think about the “MONK FRUIT SUGAR”… ?
It is the Extract powder of Fructus Momordica.
It is 300 times sweeter than cane sugar, and I was told that it is healthy and fights diabetes.
@Hamza: Found this about Monk Fruit (it’s like stevia)
Monk fruit Monk fruit is a type of small melon found in the tropical and subtropical regions of South East Asia. Its sweetness comes from antioxidants called mogrosides, which are found exclusively in monk fruit. It is said to support the immune system, digestive tract, glands, and respiratory system. As sweet as: Monkfruit is 150-200 times sweeter than sugar Calories per serving: 0 calories per tablespoon May be better than sugar because… Like Stevia, monkfruit is an all-natural, calorie-free sweetener with zero glycemic index. And, since it is so much sweeter than sugar to taste, you can use a lot less to achieve the same level of sweetness.
Ultimately, when it comes to sweeteners, your goal should be to eat as little as possible—or none at all. See, when you sweeten food, even with some of these more natural options, your body will continue to crave sweets and you just may eat more later in the day.
It is a nice and informative article. However, placing honey by the HFCS is really stretching things and dumbing down products to sugars only. Unfiltered, unprocess, raw, natural honey in moderation boosts your immune system. It’s easy to identify such honey, it is not transparent and has pieces of bees wax in it. HFCS in moderation does not do anything and just adds to insulin resistance, since it is mostly fructose. So please give honey a bit more credit.
I think saying refined bleached white sugar is equal in health and your body then honey or cane sugar it a very ignorant statement. Hilarious.
What about dextrose? You didn’t dwell on that much at all. I’m looking at a snack food company that says they have no “artificial sweeteners” but they add dextrose. I don’t want ANY added sugar if at all possible in the foods I buy that don’t really need it.
Hi Alex,
What about maple syrup? Anything good there? Obviously, minerals, but as far as the fructose/glucose content, I imagine the same as for honey, agave, etc? And breaks down the same in the liver? So just as bad, right? How about whole fruits? At least they have the fiber. Thoughts?
Hi there, I’d agree with alot of what ‘darkstar’ says above.
I am diabetic, the genetic not the fat type, and developed it aged 15 and was super fit, school football, hurling etc.
The issue with sugar for me is, how quickly they’re absorbed into my bloodstream, the slower the better, I’d expect everyone should look to this also as it gives you time to burn it off too.
I’d walk rather than drive and I’m only 14lb heavier, and 2″ taller than when I was 15 so not overweight.
Be careful with fruit, the riper the faster sugars will be absorbed, my own bs can rise from 3.4 to 17.4 with a mildly ripe banana or apple, this then requires additional insulin, which assists weight gain, I’d expect non diabetics are in the same predicament.
Where does cane SYRUP fit into your analysis of the various available sugars? What about golden syrup? Molasses?
The difference between the various syrups depends on how much water it contains, the type of sugar it contains, and what non-sugar substances it contains. Some syrups have been processed to enhance some characteristic (such as fructose content). Most are sucrose and water, with some amount of other sugars and other substances. A syrup contains less sugar than the same weight of sugar (pure crystalline sucrose) due to the amount of water it contains. The thicker the syrup, the more of its weight is sugar.
I am recently looking at everything for it’s sugar content and, being 61 years old, I should’ve started at age 0! The insidious use of anything that generates profit (and also cuts corners, avoids any regulation, and blindly intones the “It isn’t personal, it’s just business” motto of criminals of any collar) by manufacturers is frankly disgusting and and kind of a “drive-by murder” if you ask me. GM gets bailed out of bankruptcy and 4 years later they are recalling millions of cars for defects – some leading to deaths – the American “businessman” is really something – er, terribly . . . awesome. Ahem. So – ripening bananas (and other fruits) have more sugar? And – anything out there to counter-act insulin in the blood that has been released to counter-act sugars, which were placed there secretly to counter-act our health?
Pull the wagons up into a circle!
A fruit begins with much starch, which, when consumed is broken into fructose molecules. A ripened fruit has fructose which comes from the starch. It has the same amount of carbs. Starch is complex carb, fructose is a simple carbohydrate, however. As I said before, eating one or two fruits is not too much fructose. Especially if it is eaten after a meal. It makes a great dessert!
You failed to mention date sugar and coconut sugar. Where do they rank at on your list??
There isn’t a whole lot of fructose in fruits. If you eat two to three after a meal – you’re getting vitamins.
Just eat Stevia you can grow it in your own backyard and studies say it’s harmless
Thoughts on isomalto-oligosaccharides? They’re mostly fiber, so my initial instinct is to trust the info!
Have you ever thought about publishing an e-book or gguest authoring on other blogs?
I have a blog based upon on the same ideas you discuss and would really like to have you share some stories/information. I know my
readers would enjoy your work. If you are even remotely interested, feel free
to shoot me an e mail.
Bryant I wouldn’t use this guys posts as anything educational. He obviously got his information doing basic internet searches (which leads to quite a bit of misinformation) and has no real background in health, wellness, or nutrition. If you Google him all you find is the stuff he is selling, like the notion of “tricking” ones mind or body to create change. Nothing about his education.
If you are looking for informative and correct information in this area I would Google information on (NTP’s) Nutritional Therapy Practitioners. Like Gray Graham http://nutritionaltherapy.com/gray-graham/, Margaret Floyd http://www.eatnakednow.com/, and China Rose Zamora http://chinarosewellness.com/. Nutritional Therapists address nutrition from a holistic perspective and the importance of properly prepared whole foods that are delicious, nourish our bodies, and restore good health. Once foods have been highly processed, as most foods in America are, there is no combination of carbohydrates, fats, and protein that will ultimately be healthy. And that includes all sugars.
The concept of bio-individuality is that there is no perfect diet for everyone. So we need to support wellness through proper bio-individual nutrition and it isn’t just about your food, diets, sugar, or “tricking” the body or mind. It’s about lifestyle.
Hi –
Did you read the article on “tricking” yourself into exercise? I cite over 5 psychological studies in one video. It’s all backed by science and doesn’t involve trickery or gimmicks at all.
This article isn’t meant to address or heal a person – just food for thought and a good reminder.
The negative health effects from the sugar fructose ,which is part of all the sugars except pure
dextrose/glucose , are great and many . On the other-hand dextrose/glucose has a much much less deleterious effect on our heath , though it is still not healthy.
you need alittle sugar too servive…. what should i and how much of it, should i eat…(p.s. im a vegan)
According to Paul Jaminet, glucose is needed for human bodies. He gives two reasons:
1. To fuel the frontal lobes of the brain.
2. For structural purposes. The are a lot of proteins that our bodies make that are functional only when combined with glucose.
So he recommends getting about as much glucose as needed for those purposes, which is about 2o to 4o per cent of daily calories. Most of the rest of calories should come from fats. That is if one aims for optimal health.
I think you need to educate a bit more on honey, especially Manuka Honey. It has significant nutritional properties and is even used in hospitals for burn patients in healing. The only food that has been known to cure disease including MRSA is Manuka honey and it is sold in grades for healing even at Whole Foods markets. It heals. Please educate yourself, your page is old. And as far as Asparatame which is anything in the blue packets? Also added to some drinks? Causes neurological disorders and triggers diseases such as Parkinsons and MS>
As far as I know honey is used TOPICALLY to heal consequences of burns.
Interesting post and comments. Left unaddressed maybe is WHY someone wants any additional sweetener to begin with. And whether they really want a sweetener or is it just because of tradition. And whether one should be eating or drinking whatever it is they want a sweetener for in the first place. Or so much of such.
Like do you really want sugar sprinkled on your bowl of corn flakes? I used to put sugar on cornflakes as a kid. But as an adult I cut that out because I realized how much sugar already is in corn flakes. And how much milk-sugar (lactose) is in milk to begin with. And I tried cornflakes and milk without any sugar sprinkled on, and liked it better that way. Now the thought of sprinkling sugar on cornflakes is actually kind of repulsive.
And do you want a sweetener for coffee? If you do, try coffee with milk or cream in it, no extra added sugar mixed in. Cuz again there is milk-sugar in cream and milk to begin with. And try putting in maybe a quarter teaspoon of cinammon in. Or if you’ve become accustomed to putting two or more teaspoons of sweetener in your coffee, try putting only one in and see if that doesn’t turn the trick for you. Or try green tea instead of coffee. I drink coffee with cream in it, with one teaspoon of sugar per one liter thermos for work. Over a period of time I found myself putting three and four teaspoons in. Then backed down to only one, and now that one teaspoon of sugar per liter tastes ‘just right.’ I also drink green tea but can’t imagine putting sugar in it. I tried green tea with a teaspoon of sugar in it and it didn’t taste ‘right’ to me. Green tea with no sugar did taste ‘right.’
Then someone mentioned maple syrup. And that made me think of pancakes, which are traditionally doused with maple syrup. If that’s the case, you want maple syrup for pancakes, have you tried pancakes with just some whipped butter on them, no additional sweetener? I used to automatically put some kind of syrup on pancakes then wondered why after trying them with just some butter on them. Now, like sprinkling sugar on cornflakes, putting syrup on pancakes is kind of repulsive to me, in a sickeningly-sweet way.
I think I’m kind of lucky in that as a kid, sure, I wanted sugar on my cornflakes. And candy, and cake. But over a forty-year or so period, I lost most of the desire for something sweet in exchange for a preference of tart, as in plain yogurt. Last week somebody baked a cake and brought it in to work for everyone. And to be polite, I had a piece, the first such piece of cake I had since I can’t remember when. Eyuck! I politely ate it since she made it and brought it in and ‘insisted’ I have a piece. Insisted because deep down she really just wanted to do something nice for everyone. But, again, eyuck. I didn’t get sugar-shaky over eating it, it just tasted so sickeningly-sweet.
A large part of losing the desire for something sweet was realizing how sweet whatever I was eating already was without additional sweeteners. Like strawberries. It’s mind-boggling to me now that I used to always sprinkle sugar on strawberries, which are sweet to begin with. So maybe instead of engaging in pissing contests about what fructose, sucrose, glucose, etc. are chemically – and which one is ‘better’ for you – maybe take a step back and reconsider your whole reason for additional sweetener in or on whatever you’re eating or drinking. I mean if you are guzzling say a gallon of iced tea per day and want the ‘best’ sweetener for such, shouldn’t you first think of scaling back your iced tea consumption?
Another thing that probably helped me lose the desire for additional sweeteners is that I long ago gave up orange juice in preference for whole oranges, and guzzling grape juice in preference for sipping wine (sangria, sherry, port). If you are really into additional sweeteners I’d bet five bucks you drink fruit juices, which are just plain bad for you because of all the fruit sugar in them. And that sort of sets the ‘bar’ up high for what level of sweetness you prefer in other stuff, like coffee or cornflakes or pancakes.
The desire for additional sweeteners of whatever sort – that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Maybe take a peek below that waterline to see what else is going on between you and already-sweet stuffs that may drive your desire for additional sweeteners. For instance, I look at an orange and think, HOW COOL!!! They’re sweet as is, love the taste, and they already come packaged. And a hundred years ago, getting an orange or two in your Christmas stocking was a real treat. Nowadays, everyone can have an orange any time they want! Here’s another thing while I’m thinking about it. I’m a big lemonade fan. But along the way I realized the more lemony I made it, the more sugar I had to put in it. To the point where I had to put two or three SCOOPS of sugar in a pitcher for it to taste right. So I backed off the number of lemons I used and consequently I backed off the amount of sugar for it to taste right. Now I wouldn’t call what I make lemonade but more like lemony-water, with only two or three TEASPOONS of sugar per pitcher. And that lemony-water hits the spot better than the lemonade did when I want some summertime refreshment.
Amen to all you’ve said here, my story word for word! I was a sugar junky until the day it dawned on me that ‘I was a sugar junky’…all those things actually do taste so much better now with VERY little or no sugar. Thanks for sharing!
This is the most sensible article I have read.
Thanks Sharon
I couldn’t agree more with your perspectives on health & particularly “added sugars.” Currently working on an infographic comparing all added stars just to show everyone that there really is no difference between all those “natural” and processed sugars. Your page is wonderful – thank you!
– Olivia
Cheers Olivia!
Glucose and Dextrose are the same thing…
this is true only if we have structural equation C6H12O6, but dextrose is another isomer of glucose so that’s it – chemically it differs.
Maybe we could put this poor, dead, badly beaten horse to rest. If you don’t get it by now you ain’t gonna get it. Let me give it one more beatin. Sugar bad… some worse than others… but some necessary… get it naturally.
Amen coop!
Stevia is related to the ragweed family I am allergic to ragweed. I am type 2 diabetic so they say I also have acid reflux. Sweet & Low not good either on my morning oat meal. So I am stuck with sugar. After reading your article I think white sugar is better than brown.
Or do you have something else in mind I can try?
Hello. I just found out that I have fructose malabsorption, and I am struggling to find out which sweetener is best for me. I have read several conflicting articles/websites. Just wondering if you can help confirm which sweetener is best. Also, is maple syrup alright for people with FM?
I appreciate your insight and time.
So, I would say you should probably limit ALL fructose in your diet, or at least in moderation. When it comes down to it, that means sugar. Sucrose or “table sugar” is 50% fructose, and other sweeteners are generally worse than that.
So, I would say you should probably limit ALL fructose in your diet, or at least in moderation. When it comes down to it, that means sugar. Sucrose or “table sugar” is 50% fructose, and other sweeteners are generally worse than that.
Found a chart that lists fructose content based on the grade of the syrup!
I’ve been a “sugarholic” all my life and as one person said even put it on already sweet stuff. I had a breakdown at age 17 and often wonder if a sugar free high nutrition diet could have prevented it. After the breakdown i went into severe depression and insomnia my whole adult life with “mental fog”. Wake up just as tired as when i went to sleep. I discovered this video which is starting to turn things around. Not overnite as this has been going on for years. Chromium at 1mg is helping the carb cravings and 5htp and folate the insomnia. Check out this link. Mainly for anxiety and depression but also for other problems like diabetes, etc Best of health
Dear Monk, praise be to God you are trying to help other people. I’m sure you help people, too. However, please research honey properly. May God guide you to the right path. Honey is a noble food that has healing properties. Nutrition is not all there is to it. The path of processing is not the same for honey and plant-derived foods. The Noble Qur’an mentions that there is healing in what bees make.
I bear witness that Muhammad was a messenger of Almighty God like Abraham and the prophets. Believe. Save yourself from Hell and go to Paradise. I removed all the fillings from my teeth about 15 years ago and I have had to go through a lot of struggling to maintain my health but it has all been worth it. I don’t have any inorganic dental attachments (like fillings) and I can’t say that everyone ‘must’ go the same way, but it’s best to, if you can.
Your information on “Raw Sugar” is invalid and incomplete. Raw sugar
undergoes no chemical processing that white refined sugar does to make it white & refined. Raw sugar is made thusly: they boil the sugar cane stalks and then let the stalks evaporate naturally into the raw sugar crystals – and that’s it. What’s left is pure sugar crystals that still contain all the nutrients inherent in the sugar cane stalks, which are: Manganese, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Phosphorus, and Calcium. White refined sugar, on the other hand, loses all the nutrients it once had prior to the processing & refining that removed the nutrients. That said, raw sugar is not “just table sugar earlier in the process” as you stated – they are vastly different – one contains nutrients – the other
does not.
Regarding the metabolic process the human body performs with what we eat and drink: our body takes everything we eat and drink and ultimately converts it into Glucose – glucose is the “preferred” fuel. Sucrose, glucose and fructose are important carbohydrates, commonly referred to as simple sugars. Sugar is found naturally in whole foods and is often added to processed foods to sweeten them and increase flavor. Your tongue can’t quite distinguish between these sugars, but your body can tell the difference. They all provide the same amount of energy
per gram, but are processed and used differently throughout the body.
If you have already blacklisted dietary carbs, think again. All living cells rely on them to get their energy, and your body is no exception. Your muscles and brain specifically require carbs as their primary fuel. The weakness and light-headedness that often accompany fasting illustrate that fact. However, unlike complex carbs, simple carbs like fructose and sucrose offer the advantage of providing quick energy due to their rapid digestion in your body. Sucrose differs from fructose in that it’s a disaccharide, or two-unit sugar. Glucose and fructose link together to
form the simple carb that you may better know as common table, beet or cane sugar. Except for indigestible fiber, your body ultimately metabolizes all carbs into glucose to fuel itself. Each gram yields 4 kilocalories of energy.
(Source: Suzanne Fantar, BA Biological Sciences, Goucher College, MBA U.of Baltimore)
Hi Sandra –
“just earlier in the process” indicates what you just said. Just like how refined carbs are stripped of fiber and bran, and thus lose most of their nutrition, this is what I was referring to with raw sugar. The raw form of sugar is comparable to brown rice or whole wheat pre-refining.
what is the difference between The sugar in fruits and eating things with fructose and them? aside from the nutrients and the fiber in the fruit does this make a difference in the way your body metabolizes the fructose?
How??!! I drink 4 glasses of milk everyday along with an apple and orange, that means my sugar intake is above 60grams daily and I am going to die?!please explain this to me, if sugar is harmful how can I drive k milk and eat grapes, oranges, apples at the same day, that’s lot of sugar
May 24, 2015.
Aftercare: Most clinics offer free unlimited aftercare as standard but this is something you should confirm prior to agreeing to surgery.
Caro lite is pure glucose syrup(corn syrup). Lactose is probably not bad given good health data on milk…
Gary, corn syrup isn’t pure glucose as it contains fructose.
Not enough on why it is bad. Information on Advanced Glycation Endproducts would have nailed it in.
blackstrap molasses is high in antioxidants with the highest FRAP (4.6 to 4.9 mmol/100 g), but isn’t as sweet.
I was led to believe that Fructose, which occurs in healthy things like fruit, does not spike the blood sugar as much as glucose. As such it does not mess around with you insulin/sugar balance which is a major player in gaining or loosing weight not the least in regards to appetite.
Talk to anyone who has lived with type 1 diabetes drom childhood. A disease they are born with and not a result of a poor diet. They will say the same thing; sugar is sugar is sugar. It does _not_ matter the source one iota. Wether it be from a tsp of white sugar or a slice of melon or a handful of grapes or a piece of candy or a bowl of plain oatmeal. The body in short turns them all into fuel the same way and will require a shot of insulin no matter which one is consumed. It was explained to me by that person that one sugar just takes longer to turn into that fuel than the other but it still becomes what it does.
I am a diabetic (exercise & diet controlled, no meds) and I used to use Splenda in place of sugar until the latest report on the danger of doing so. I began researching artificial sweeteners and thought OK, I’ll just switch to Monk Fruit in the raw. After looking at the ingredients, I find that the other ingredient besides the monk fruit extract is DEXTROSE. Can’t for the life of me figure out why something that is assumed safe for diabetics would use dextrose. Many brands of Stevia do the same thing. I’ve spent 2 days now researching this and purchased LoSweet lo Han Guo sweetener. It is PURE monk fruit extract. A bit pricy but, I guess you get what you pay for.
Hi Alex.
I’m a insulin dependent diabetic. My doctor advised me to stay away from all sugars and sweetners, if needed to, to use pure Stevia; to make sure nothing else is added. (I found some brands that does)
From my research I know Stevia is made from the leaf off the Stevia tree, therefore is not fructose or anything else you mention. Can you explain if it’s better for diabetics, and how the body process it?
My concern with the various types sugars is how fast the body absorbs them. Are honey and the other alternatives absorb as fast as white sugar?
The Article is totally misleading. When it comes to what I eat, chew or drink I don’t listen to anyone. I am always keen on my diet. Some Sugars are very dangerous, some are just good. What studies reveal are just part of the composition of foods. Take for example the assertion that Sweet potatoes, English potatoes, cassava, Corn, Rice etc fall under the same category of Starchy foods. I don’t buy that idea. I have always taken each as a diet on its own and my body response has been super. I don’t take any drink with a preservative. Think of Sodas, Beers, Spirits, juices etc. I realised that whenever I take any drink having a preservative, I would suffer from headaches which most doctors would advise that they are due to stress. I wondered because at times I never had any stress. As a result of not taking any drinks of the type, I never have any headaches. The effect is the same when I coffee. Science is misleading in most cases involving foods. Today Science reveals that Soda drinks are as bad as smoking, which i agree is true because I leanrt it the hard way. Whenever someone smokes next to me, the effect I felt is like having taken a Soda drink. So when the Scientists recently revealed that the effect of Sodas are same to smoking it was not surprising to me. But again the human body composition seem to vary a lot from one person to another, hence different reactions to medicines and foods
loved your article, alex. I gave up sugar (desserts, pastries, candy, etc.) a year ago, but kept right on eating lots of artificial sweetener, chewing gum, etc. Once I discovered the acidic nature of sweeteners and the negative effect it was having on my gut, I gave those up, too. and because of my morning coffee, which you touched on, right on cue, I rationalized that honey–especially raw, right?!–was ok, particularly because of the added enzymes and it’s oh so natural…so I will let the honey go now, too. Didn’t know abut the metabolic dangers of agave. I chew a Zand’s digestive tablet (enzymes) before I eat anything and it has worked wonders for me. I noted today that it has dextrose, but not much. Each tablet is only 4 calories total. Am I rationalizing again? Thank you for all your good research and insights.
Happy to help Sallie – can you tell me more about the Zand’s tablets? Haven’t heard of those!
Zand QuickDigest with plant enzymes help the stomach break down the foods and thus reduces stomach discomfort (their label says “aids in digestion and reduces the incidence of heartburn and indigestion.”). I’m 66 yrs old and have had a tender stomach all my life. I’m retired and have the time to work at eating healthy and think I succeed 80-90%. I was taking Prilosec almost daily and have weened off that to only taking 1-2 a month in emergency. I started a probiotic in January and that, along with the zand tablets, has changed my life! Of course, giving up sugar was the first step of many!!
hi alex,
i absolutely agree…
sugar is th only chemical tht can “fool” our physiology & biology at th genetic level…
it is sugar tht is th direct cause of th current pandemic of chronic illnesses & n particular, th pandemic increase of genetic disorders throughout industrialized/ over developed societies…
i am an example of a person, among millions now, who r considered to hv a rare disease…genetic in all likelihood…
my condition, still undiagnosable at present, in effec, & apparently, makes it impossible for me to safely metabolize any plant derived products…roots, leaves, stems, flowers, seeds, wood pulp, oils, acids…& etc…
by extension, i seemingly cannot tolerate even th most micro traces of carbs accumulatng n my physiology wthout succumbing to severe physiological dysfunction…
i 1st learned of th poisonous effects of all sugar per dr tim shea, “th doctor within”
please continue yur campaign against this very toxic chemical-drug, poison…when consumed, it should only b in very very very low doses as compared to th current global addiction levels…
& as u & others hv most effectively demonstrated, low fructose intake is most essential…my condition mimics hereditary fructose intolerance in many ways…
but it also deviates from hfi, n ways tht hv not been clinically documented b-4…
thank u again, i pray tht yur nfo, as well, as tht of th growing #s of true-real health advocates soon dominate th current government supported profit for greed conventional medical-pharmaceutical system…
terri a.
hi alex,
ths is a edited version of th previous post. please, if feasible, replace th former wth ths 1… thank u
i absolutely agree…
& as anothr responder indicated, modern sugar, including honey has been altered from it’s original human compatible variety, which came from nonindustrialized bees…
there is no place within th earth’s universe system or any living entity therein, tht has not been adversely affected by industrialization…
sugar is th only chemical tht can “fool” our physiology & biology at th genetic level…
& disarm our natural immune process, allowing increased vulnerability to other toxic agents…
it is sugar tht is th direct cause of th current pandemic of chronic illnesses & n particular, th pandemic increase of genetic disorders throughout industrialized/ over developed societies…
i am an example of a person, among millions now, who r considered to hv a rare disease…genetic in all likelihood…
my condition, still undiagnosable at present, in effect & apparently, makes it impossible for me to safely metabolize any carbs from any source, including meats/fish. & by extension, any derived products from plants…roots, leaves, stems, flowers, seeds, wood pulp, oils, acids…& etc…
i seemingly cannot tolerate even th most micro traces of carbs accumulatng n my physiology wthout succumbing to severe physiological dysfunction…
i 1st learned of th poisonous effects of all sugar per dr tim o’shea, “th doctor within”.
please continue yur campaign against this very toxic chemical-drug, poison…when consumed, it should only b in very very very low doses as compared to th current global addiction levels…
& as u & others hv most effectively demonstrated, low fructose intake is most essential…
my condition mimics hereditary fructose intolerance in many ways…
but it also deviates from hfi, n ways tht hv not been clinically documented b-4…
thank u again, i pray tht yur nfo, as well as tht of th growing #s of true-real health advocates, soon dominate th current government/fda supported profit for greed conventional medical-pharmaceutical system…
terri a.
Ack! I just bought a big bottle of raw agave!
What about real maple syrup for sweetening my morning coffee? And not that I like it all that much but what are your thoughts on Stevie?
Hi Lynda,
My personal philosophy: eat real sugar, just eat less of it
Alex, enjoyed the article. Thanks. Here’s all I want to know…….I’m on the Atkins diet. I have already lost 100lbs! Sugar stops this diet. When I just gotta have something sweet which way do i go? Please cover artificial sweeteners.
Humans are not meant to be eating sugar. The natural human diet would probably consist of insects, water, dirt and grass.
I put a teaspoon of raw, unfiltered honey in my organic lemon ginseng tea and have one cup every morning. There are good antioxidants in honey and green tea.
Diabetes is caused by oxidative stress. All western diseases are caused by oxidative stress. Sugar happens to be causing oxidation in our body’s and is pro-inflammatory, just like many other things in our environment cause oxidation (smoking, bad air from cars, chemicals in our food, etc. etc.). Once your body has to deal with more oxidants than anti-oxidants, it is in a stress state and causes inflammation of the arteries (LDL gets oxidated instead of the anti-oxidant particle, which in turn damages the cells of our arteries cause the binding of the oxidant with LDL gives energy, like a tiny little explosion damaging our cells and DNA). If this happens for a long time, we will develop diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, kind of every disease we have to deal with that didn’t exist 200 years ago.
Hi Alex
As I’ve always said, the real issues with all sugar types occurs when they are added to liquids as much of the evidence points to suggests. The best idea is to limit beverages outside of water and tea, as these drinks are spiked with much more sugar than we should ingest in a serve.
The benefit of EATING fructose as fruit or combined with other high-fibre ingredients is the slower release of energy. Plus monosaccharides can pass through the intestinal barrier and into the bloodstream without our bodies producing any enzymes to break it down unlike disaccharides such as sucrose and lactose.
Most of the agave tested by any of the labs is based on the already heat blased and refined agave syrup often a by-product of the tequila processing and not the cold evaporated agave nectar used for thousands of years that is processed by vegan enzymes. The point being is that, like coconut sugar, a small amount of fiber is present in the final product.
The important thing is that when fructose is combined in recipes with high-fiber foods and saturated fats, it is much more slowly absorbed into the blood stream. This results in a person feeling more satiated and less likely to overload on fructose. It’s really all relative to the way that monosaccharides are ingested.
Moreover, whilst there is plenty of hypothesis regarding fructose and sugar for that matter causing type-2 diabetes, there is still no direct evidence. The causal evidence of type-2 diabetes is the overconsumption of food in general and lack of exercise.
Also, honey has many incredible anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties, that is often overlooked.
As a recovered lifelong sugar addict I feel that my personal experience is extremely important concerning this subject. It has been 8 years since I have had processed (white, brown or powdered) sugars, high fructose corn syrup, etc. I have used organic raw honey, organic maple syrup and stevia as much as desired. Funny thing, while I relied heavily on these more natural sweeteners at first (while withdrawing from my life of sugar addiction) they quickly phased out on their own, and I continually felt less and less desire for, and more satisfaction from, smaller amounts. That is the important point I want to share here…and it is something that is not mentioned in your article. The first group of sugars are HIGHLY ADDICTING while the organic maple syrup, organic raw honey, stevia etc have no such effect on me. My health, my well being, my energy, my clear thinking, my weight, and my skin all drastically improved shortly after I gave up these processed sugars. So there is so much more to this than what’s stated above. A main point is the amount of sugar that’s taken into the body; that amount can be drastically reduced when a person is no longer taking it in the form of an extremely addictive substance. On most days I keep my natural sugar intake at about 25 grams. I might also mention that sugar feeds cancer and arthritis, so this subject should be of concern to all of us. Although in America it is considered very acceptable to be addicted to sugar, I am now 61 and look forward to a life of continued freedom from this devastating health breaker.
Honey is better than refined sugar for the simple reason that you’re not eating all the nasty chemicals used in the process of refining sugar. It’s not the sugar i’m scared of, it’s the chemicals.
I hear you!
your info is wrong – some sugars keep us alive and healthy -everyone is bio individual –broad statements are not full of wisdom – just not true
he said we need it to live lmao troll
I didn’t see Stevia mentioned. I’d like to know more about that. I purchased a bag of Stevia at Walmart. The first ingredient was dextrose. What a good example of FALSE advertising. I will try purchasing Stevia leaves instead. Hopefully, they haven’t added anything to that.
Why don’t we all just use glucose to sweeten everything. Job done, no health issues.
hello hope all is well this article is a bit old but I came across it because I was debating my friend about glucose.
I been studying health a long time and I just want to let you know there is a rack of plants fruits and vegetables that are not heirloom
you see a lot of people squak, about war organic
but don’t even realize that the very plant that is now being organically grown is not even naturally occurring
hence the story of the pee*s they taught us in school and how they split them andever them
the reason I bring this up is that most plants we eat are not heirloom
yes the new trend of GMO awareness how lovely
people are now worried because their mixing fish dna, with apple etc for it to last longer so on and so forth
but the original gmo, was mixing plants
now the thing is that guy way up too was right fructose issssss, inside plants, hence why some fruits and veggies are actually bad for you if you eat to much of it because the genetic structure of it.
everything in balance I have figured out is the way to go
also I did some studying on, honey and not a lot of people know that honey was actually used as poison
you see honey has a active chemical to preserve it that the bee produces to keep it fresh when we eat the honey our body can not break it down.
now to glucose I believe glucose is good when naturally occurring but synthetic glucose which is what they use in most stuff or medical practice is actually missing left and right parts it’s not able to reach that state synthetically
I am not saying boo to everything about it but the fact is notmy people in this world want to know the truth of things so they deny, I may be stubborn but I will investigate
Thanks! Really effective insight. Much needed for the masses. Keep pushing the knowledge out there in this from where ppl can actually read&relate. Appreciate it!
All sugars are not the same, at least not for me. About 7 years ago I started developing crazy food allergies, one of which is high fructose corn syrup. My tongue swells, inside my mouth blisters, when it’s really bad in my nose will even blister, my whole face swells. My doctor just diagnosed it as “allergies to food additives” so I HAVE to get all natural stuff. I have issues with all artificial sweeteners (sucralose, aspartame, etc), some preservatives, a few dyes… it’s not fun. So I would say that all sugars are not equal in your body.
Sorry but I just don’t buy that naturally occurring sugar is just as bad or worse than artificial sugar. I’ve never had a migraine headache, bloating, gas, diarrhea or mild nausea from using natural sugar. I’ve also never contracted a urinary tract infection from natural sugar. Yet I’ve had most if not all of these symptoms from using Splenda(Sucralose) alone.
I believe natural sugar used in moderation is the best way to go. Fruits needs to be a part of our diets as well as vegetables.
There’s a reason God tells us in the Bible to let our moderation be known to all men. I believe this includes food consumption. We have to have sugar. Stay away from artificial sweeteners. They’re simply toxic and I know that first hand.
Sorry but I just don’t buy that naturally occurring sugar is just as bad or worse than artificial sugar. I’ve never had a migraine headache, bloating, gas, diarrhea or mild nausea from using natural sugar. I’ve also never contracted a urinary tract infection from natural sugar. Yet I’ve had most if not all of these symptoms from using Splenda(Sucralose) alone.
I believe natural sugar used in moderation is the best way to go. Fruit needs to be a part of our diets as well as vegetables.
There’s a reason God tells us in the Bible to let our moderation be known to all men. I believe this includes food consumption. We have to have sugar. Stay away from artificial sweeteners. They’re simply toxic and I know that first hand.
Do you know what the content level is in Monkfruit? I am HFI (heriditary fructose intolerant) and trying to find a sweetener substitute.