There is a much better way to go about reaching your fitness and life goals. In fact, what if reaching your goals isn’t at all about pursuing them, or even looking […]
Recently, something laughable happened. New guidelines issued by the American Heart Association have determined that the upper-level threshold called “high blood pressure” is now lower. In other words, 30 million […]
If you’re trying to get fit, you’ve probably thought about what kind of supplements would help you reach your goal much faster. This has been a debate among my friends. […]
Sometime last year, I was on a digestive recovery diet. I had to essentially eat just meat, plants, and fat. According to Dr. Elaine Gotschall’s research, “starving” bad gut bacteria helps […]
There are truly only a very few number of things you actually need to do to lose weight, live a better life, or, honestly, just feel better. One of the […]
Someone recently watched my “Brad Pitt Fight Club Abs” video here, and wondered if what I said was really true: Do I really not do any ab exercises, and if […]
Let’s be honest – there’s a way you can still eat food you like and lose weight. One of the first things I learned when I started coaching clients was […]
How do you stay focused on your goals? In other words, you may have tons of goals you’re working on, whether they’re fitness goals, financial goals, relationship goals or travel […]
Everyone wants the magical pill for a better life – the steroid of a better life. The better relationship, being more fit, being richer, being happier, but in reality, there’s […]