5 Rules for Mastering the Game of Life
How much of the advice you get about life is actually true? For example, you might’ve heard your parents say, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
And in the other camp, people into the “manifesting” movement claim that all you have to do is think and grow rich…literally.
Reflecting over the last ten years of my life, I want to share what I think are some of my biggest lessons.
These are life lessons that I think are evergreen, and have had the biggest impact over the longest period of time.
5 Rules For Mastering the Game of Your Life
What About You?
In the comments section below, take a second to share:
- What was some of the best life advice you ever received?
- What was the worst advice?
During all the years you’ve been alive, what have you noticed have been the “tried and true” threads – the advice that stuck with you through the good and bad times?
Comment below.
What some one says tells you more about them than it does about the subject they are speaking on, especially if they are talking about others.