Stop Waking Up At 5 AM to Workout (And Do This Instead)
There’s this trend in the personal development space right now encouraging people to “wake up at 5 am.” This is a bad idea.
People claim that waking up at 5 am will help you:
Finally stick to a fitness routine, even though you might’ve failed before
Meditate, and finally stop screaming at your annoying kids
Journal, and uncover all the solutions to your life problems
Unfortunately, waking up two hours earlier only guarantees one thing – feeling tired.
Here’s why I think the entire “wake up at 5 am” idea completely misses the point.
Waking up At 5 Won’t Change Your Life – Here’s What Will
What About You?
In the comments section below, take a second to share:
- Have you tried waking up at 5 am?
- Was it life-changing, or not so miraculous?
- What’s one habit you’d work on more if you had more time to yourself?
If waking up early didn’t change your life, what’s one habit that has?
Comment below.
Waking up at 5am was indeed life changing for me, but not until I found my own routine. When I tried to follow the routine of successful people with exercise, journaling and meditation/ yoga, it was a nightmare, however when I started doing my own thing, getting up at 5am indeed turned into the solution I had been looking for. I am more productive and overall get more done. I’m in a better mood all day and feel content with my day when I go to sleep. I’m happy to go to bed when I’m tired in the evening, even if it’s only 9/ 10pm. Before I would force myself to stay up way past the point of exhaustion in order to get things done. I also sleep better now 🙂
Well, I wake up at 4:30am to get everything I need to done on weekday mornings, because if I woke up two hours after 5am, I’d have to have left for work 10 minutes before I got out of bed! 🙂 I do sleep in until 6 or even 6:30am on the weekends, though. But I’m unusual in that I have horses (and dogs and a cat) AND I don’t like to have to rush, so having almost 2.5 hours to get everything done works for me.
Hated the message. Loved the attitude. Rewatch the last half of that video, that is your most likeable persona. More of THAT guy.
5am being full of “shit” is just wrong. If you’re trying to do/build something and you follow a standard lifestyle, and you’re not up at 5–you’re not serious.
I think it’s all about having a routine. If you like waking up at 5 AM that’s fine do it. It’s a great solution if you are a morning person. But killing yourself to wake up at 5AM only to give that up after a couple of weeks does not make any sense at all.