The 3 Major Enemies of Personal Growth and Fitness
In over 100, 1:1 coaching clients, tens of thousands of emails answered, and thousands of Youtube comments, I quickly noticed three traits that separated the “high achieving group” from most of the others.
Here’s what’s crazy.
In the group who perpetually failed to achieve their goals, I noticed that they were prone to “bad luck,” obstacles, and constant setbacks.
The group that achieved their goals seemed to be blessed with serendipity and good fortune.
Was it due to the fundamental difference in their approach? Or to luck?
You make the call.
In today’s video, I want to share those three traits.
The Three Major Enemies of Personal Growth
What About You?
Which of these traits do you have?
What beliefs have you noticed are strongly correlated with success or failure?
Leave a comment down below.
Great video, Alex! I definitely agree that focusing on your own growth and not comparing yourself to others is important. So is taking action and accountability for your own success. This video is a great reminder! Thanks, Nicki
Thanks Nicki!