There are no magic bullets when it comes to fat loss, but there are certain nutritional “helpers” that can aid in maximizing your fat reduction efforts. Green tea has long […]
When I was in my early to mid-20s, I got really depressed. Life was going fine at first – I graduated college, worked for a year, moved to China, and […]
At one point in my life there, there were all these habits I was working on (especially after writing my book). As soon as I realized this “gospel of habits” […]
I recently figured out why so many of us have a hard time reaching our goals, whether they’re fitness related or life related. The reality is that we pursue goals […]
“The biggest challenge in life is trying to be yourself in a world that’s trying to make you like everybody else.” Getting the health and body you want is surprisingly […]
Let’s face it: you’ve been trying to stick with a few health habits like eating better, going to the gym, and de-stressing, but it hasn’t been pretty. Things go well […]