5 Habit Lessons From 5 Successful People That Lost Up to 50 Pounds
You know the feeling where you notice yourself getting slightly thicker around the midsection, you hop on the scale and you’re kinda like, “Ehh, alright, I guess it’s time to do something about this.”
And then you do the almost suicide-inducing process of googling and researching what to actually eat every day… and you just end up back at square one after weeks of suffering and denying yourself the food that tastes great.
In the last video we talked about why you need to keep going (no matter how many times you may have quit before) if your health and fitness journey.
You can always choose to live a better story (and we have to choose).
When you do weight loss right, it’s a lot more fun and lot more effortless, and to show you this – not just tell you it – I want to share with you five modern health monk success stories.
I want to share with you the people that have been through my programs, and I want to share with you the exact success principles they applied to get the results they did.
5 Lessons From 5 Weight Loss Success Stories
Success #1: Changing The Right Habit – Shannon
Shannon and her husband both wanted to get fitter and lose weight, but ultimately, Shannon just ended up changing one habit, because she’s a busy mother with a job (who comes home to another full time job: parenting!).
Even though it was just Shannon who joined my course, she and her husband ended up losing a combined 50+ pounds (maybe over 70 pounds at this point).
She also got to her lowest weight pre-pregnancy (in a decade!), which was a huge win for her.
Her success habit?
It was bulk cooking. It didn’t require hours in the gym or suffering, just an added habit each week.
Little daily habits, done consistently, over time.
Success #2: Picking Your Dream Team – Mike
Mike is not only a friend in real life, but was also one of the first people inside my real food tribe, a private membership area.
His biggest problem was the fact that he didn’t have really good social support, he didn’t have a good social circle that encouraged him to eat healthier and improve his life.
So he shifted it.
He realized that he was never going to workout before work (or even after work), so instead he got five friends that were close colleagues at work, and they decided to just go to the gym together before lunch, then have lunch together to also stay accountable there.
Not only did his group essentially force himself to hit the gym each day, but they also ate lunch together which forced them to again stay focused on the goal, because getting a burger when everyone else got salads wouldn’t work.
And that’s it.
That was his Archmiedes lever to hold himself accountable and helped his results go off the charts to lose around 25 pounds, which was a lot less painful than the many times he had tried before too.
Success #3: The Day it All Changed – Tom
For some people, it’s a matter of getting to that famous point where they’re so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, or there’s a catastrophe where a friend or a parent dies.
Sometimes there’s a catastrophe that’s a bit more personal.
Tom recently sent me an email after going through my emotional eating course where he talked about losing 44 pounds in just over 4 months, because he had hit that moment where he was so tired of things going the way they’re going, that he was willing to do anything to start over and begin again fresh.
Sometimes, it’s as simple as choosing the right “why,” and inside Dream Body one of the things we talk about is the foundational success habits, because I believe that if you don’t get the right success habits, it doesn’t matter what program you end up trying.
Success #4: The Power Couple Strategy – G + M
A couple recently joined Dream Body and ended up seeing results within the first two weeks, of around four pounds (in the first 7-10 days), and around ten pounds within the first few weeks.
That’s really quick, and no doubt it was like that because they were both going through the course together, holding each other accountable while doing the daily habit training each day.
The fourth principle here is to have somebody to actually do it with, if you do it with a friend it’s infinitely more likely that you’ll be successful, you know?
And it’s a lot more fun.
More than anything, it’s about coming up with a system in your own life to get you and your partner both on board, or to find some other system that works better for you than simply going it alone.
Success #5: Wanting to Have Your Best Year Yet
The fifth story here is about Abi, who just really wanted to have a great year.
She’d been following me almost since Modern Health Monk began, and the last time she emailed me she said she lost over 3 stone, which is over 42 pounds, and everything on her fit differently.
She was still eating lots of what she wanted, she still had a life, and was only in the gym twice a week, ignoring the BS idea that you need to sacrifice everything to get the body you want.
It’s About Doing The Right Stuff – Not More
So do you see what I’m saying here?
If you do weight loss right, if you pick the right strategies and habits, and then stick with them over the days, weeks, months and years, you can get there with a fraction of the frustration required.
It’s not about effort and pain and grinding it out, or discipline.
That’s why it’s about this little daily habit philosophy, that’s why my book is called “Master the Day,” and that’s why Dream Body is focused on changing little habits every single day.
Coming Next: A Quick Win Strategy You Can do Today
Now in a few days, we’re going to be talking about another strategy that you can use to get immediate results to shift the way you eat and get immediate results.
It’s not about restricting things, removing stuff, or piling in weird juices in your fridge, but a simple strategy anyone can do, no matter what stage you’re at in your fitness or health journey.
If you haven’t yet, make sure to get on the Dream Body waitlist below. You’ll also have the opportunity to join early, and get a discount.
Dream Body is Coming Soon
For now, I want you to share with me below, which of these strategies do you think you can start implementing today?
Also, make sure to get on the Dream Body early bird list here.
– Alex